10 Games In The Snow To Share With The Family

If you want to warm up, nothing better than these games to do with children in the snow. Who signs up?
10 games in the snow to share with the family

When the snow falls, on certain days it is practically impossible to resist going out for a while and enjoying yourself as a family. Kids enjoy being able to scoop up snow, roll it into balls, and see how easily it falls apart when it hits a tree, the ground, and more. To have a good time, we suggest 10 games in the snow.

Remember that, so that the little ones do not burn their skin, it is important that they always handle the snow with gloves. On the other hand, you have to wrap them up well, with clothes that do not easily absorb moisture because, although it may not seem like it at the moment, a snowball fight can leave children soaked, which can later lead to a cold.

Games in the snow: white fun

Whether it is snowfall in your area or you go on a hike to a mountain place to enjoy the snow, do not miss the opportunity to play with your children. You will create precious memories!

1. Let’s make a snowman

Games in the snow to share with the family.

Let’s start with the most basic ‘game’, the one that we all know but that does not stop being fascinating. Who doesn’t like to bring a snowman to life? The fun is in gathering the amount of snow to make the body and looking for the elements so that it has eyes, a mouth, clothes, etc. The carrot for the nose, some dry branches for the arms, a scarf and a couple of pine cones for the eyes, will help the doll come to life.

2. Snowball war

Of all the snow games out there, this is perhaps the most popular and fun of all. It does not require much explanation, you just have to quickly make snowballs and throw them at the ‘opponent’ (be it a person or a team). The objective? Dodge as many balls as possible.

Children must be taught not to throw the balls in their faces and to respect certain distances. In this way, unpleasant situations will be avoided.

3. From the beach to the snow

Hadn’t it occurred to you? You can practically do the same in the sand, as in the snow. Bring the buckets and shovels and try to make a castle. You can take inspiration from the Frozen movie or any other well-known children’s reference. You will see how fun and beautiful your white creations will be.

4. The treasure hunt

A little scavenger hunt can be super fun in the snow. If you want to give it a nice ‘extra’, make the objects to be found colored ice cubes. You can organize teams and, in the end, rate each person’s performance.

5. A sled, a classic

Games in the snow to share with the family.

There is no visit to the snow worth its salt, without the typical adrenaline rush of going down a slope on a sled. If you don’t have one, don’t worry, there are some very cheap and you can even rent them. There are even DIY options. The important thing is to look for gentle slopes and not to leave the children alone. 

6. Colored snow

Bring bottles of water mixed with food coloring. You can wear several colors to make it more fun. Drill a hole in the cap to let the water out as a dispenser, and use it to paint colored shapes in the snow.

7. Let’s play Eskimos

Try to build an igloo. It is not an easy task, but it is very fun and, perhaps, you will even manage to get inside.

8. Let’s recreate a story

Do you remember Hansel and Gretel? A walk in the mountains can go a long way and to start: invite the little ones to leave a trail to ‘know’ where to return later.  Of course, do not go to do like the characters in the story and leave bread crumbs, because the birds can eat them. It is better to use branches, stones or any other element of nature. And beware of leaving garbage!

9. The trackers

Games in the snow to share with the family.

Another of the most fun snow games when taking a walk in the mountains is trying to identify the tracks of others who have passed through there before. Well they are people, dogs, cars and, who knows, maybe some more interesting animal.

10. To the cat and the mouse (and the snow thrower)

This is a game for many participants, the more the merrier. You start by choosing three players: one is the cat, another the mouse and a third the snow thrower. The rest should shake hands and form a circle. Inside is the mouse and outside, the cat; the snow thrower will be a few feet away. The objective of the cat will be to enter the circle to eat the mouse. Those who form the circle must try to prevent it, while the snow thrower throws balls to distract them all and thus help the cat.

Enjoy it big!

Games in the snow can help you enjoy a lot as a family, so don’t hold back and let yourself go. Of course, bundle up well and  do not forget to always wear waterproof clothing and the right footwear, it is the only way to fully enjoy the day and avoid colds.

3 children's games to practice outdoors

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