10 Tricks To Make Children’s Shoes Smell Good

You would be surprised how many home methods you can follow to prevent these annoying odors. In this article we will discuss them in detail.
10 tricks to make children's sneakers smell good

Children’s shoes usually do not smell very good for various reasons. However, it is a problem that can be solved with quick, homemade and simple techniques  that will allow our children’s steps to be free of annoying odors.

You are not the only one who has been concerned about whether this is the product of a personal hygiene problem that can expose your little one to an uncomfortable situation in public.

Some types of shoes, as well as routines with a high level of physical activity contribute to the proliferation of bad odors

So it is very important to know that there are characteristics that some types of shoes have, as well as routines that contribute to the proliferation of bad odors. For this reason, it is convenient to identify what is causing the problem.


By determining the reason we can take the necessary corrections. Among the main reasons why children’s shoes do not smell good are:

  • The material with which the shoes are made.
  • Hygiene techniques.
  • Humidity level.
  • Excessive sweating

Change of habits

We must remember that our children are constantly active during the day and in very little time of rest. This is a factor that can influence the proliferation of bad odors during this period of their development.

Learning to buy children’s shoes with the right characteristics greatly minimizes the risk of suffering from annoying odors. 

As, for example, a school day, sports activities or an afternoon of games can be factors that make the scent that the shoes give off is not exactly the most pleasant.


In this sense, some of the measures that you should take into account are:

  • Wash your little one’s feet when you get home and before bed to remove any excessive sweating that can occur after a busy day.
  • Make sure to dry her fingers very well.
  • Add foot powder to your routine.
  • Put socks on him whenever possible.
  • Store your shoes in a place that is ventilated.
  • Try to avoid using the same model always and alternate your shoes.
  • When shopping, avoid synthetic materials and look for options that have good breathability.
  • It incorporates the use of templates that help control odors.

Natural solutions for children’s shoes

If changing the way of use and treatment of footwear has not yet definitively resolved this situation, below we will give you 10 easy-to-apply and low-cost tricks to eliminate bad odors:

  • Sodium bicarbonate: with its neutralizing effect it manages to eliminate any odor. Sprinkle plenty of powder on the shoes overnight and the next morning you will see the results.
  • To the freezer: with this practice you will be able to kill all the bacteria that are lodged in the garment. Put them in a bag and store them in the freezer so that the power of the cold can act.
    • Sage leaves or lavender flowers: they are perfect options to eliminate odors and at the same time perfume footwear.
    • Charcoal: just adding a piece will make any unpleasant aroma disappear in just a few hours.
    • Lemon juice and warm water: dipping your feet in this mixture, at least 3 times a week, will help to improve the problem.
    • Tea infusion: a brief wash of the feet in this liquid will work as a great refresher and help with excessive sweating.
    • Salt: adding a pinch to the shoes, at least once a week, will fight the humidity.
    • Fabric softening wipes: leave them overnight in the shoes and you will find them ready to use the next day.
    • Cedar Chip Cloth Bags: Ideal for storing shoes and keeping them free of any odor.
      • Deep cleaning: you cannot forget to wash them every time they require it, it is important to brush the inside with scent detergent and put them to dry in the sun.

      In any case, choosing a suitable children’s shoe will go a long way to minimize the chances of unwanted odors. In this sense, remember that you must pay attention to the material with which they are made, that they are breathable, comfortable and light.

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