12 Things A Pregnant Woman Should Not Do

 Here are some of the 12 most important things that every pregnant woman should avoid to take care of her health and that of her baby.
12 things a pregnant woman should not do

During pregnancy, the changes that take place in a woman’s body warrant a special routine. In other words, it involves making some habit modifications to ensure that mother and child arrive at birth healthy. Therefore, it is essential to know the things that a pregnant woman should not do.

Modifying habits implies, of course, leading a healthy lifestyle. Thus, certain actions and activities must be renounced and others, simply must be moderated. For example, when going to the beach, it is necessary for the expectant mother to be more cautious with the hours of sun exposure.

Why are there things that a pregnant woman should not do?

As we have mentioned, it is necessary to be aware of habits in order to carry a pregnancy to fruition. The more responsible you are during your pregnancy, the fewer complications will arise.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that the life of the baby is subject to that of its mother, therefore, if the baby is to be a healthy and happy child tomorrow, it will be necessary to ensure their well-being from the first moment in which it begins to develop in the womb.

1. Alcohol, tobacco and drugs

At the top of the list of things that a pregnant woman should not do is the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. It is no secret that these substances cause damage to both the health of the mother and the baby. It has even been shown that all these drugs can cause in the fetus:

  • Addiction syndrome
  • Abstinence syndrome.
  • Malformations 
  • Early death.
12 things that a pregnant woman should not do.

2. Abuse of caffeine and theine

All excesses are harmful to health. Therefore, it is necessary to take a moderate intake. Consuming too much caffeine during pregnancy can affect the development of the baby and can also lead to:

  • Spontaneous abortion.
  • Premature delivery

3. Diet without medical supervision

Another thing that a pregnant woman should not do is follow any type of diet without consulting her doctor. Especially if it is a diet to lose weight because it can easily fall into the decompensation of basic nutrients and get sick. Without proper monitoring, the baby may not receive the nutrients it needs to grow and live.

4. Consumption of undercooked meat

Meats should be eaten at least medium cooked. Among other things, because raw or semi-raw meats can become contaminated with bacteria and parasites that cause diseases. Salmonella and toxoplasmosis are two of the infections that can be transmitted by eating undercooked food or food handled with poor hygiene.

5. Exposure to extreme temperatures

Another thing that a pregnant woman should not do is to expose herself to the sun for a long time. Especially in the hours of greatest radiation. It must be remembered that, during pregnancy, the skin becomes much more sensitive and it is necessary to resort to both sunscreen and moderate exposure.

Certainly, the sun is good for health and allows the body to function properly, but it is not necessary to expose yourself to the point of having skin lesions or experiencing heat stroke. You have to make good use of sun protection.

6. Saunas

Hot baths and saunas are certainly very pleasant, but they are also on the list of the 12 things that a pregnant woman should not do. Very hot water is not convenient because it promotes vasodilation. In women, it can cause dizziness and fainting.

7. Travel to places that pose a health risk

Today, you have to be especially careful with infections of all kinds. But, above all, with diseases transmitted by mosquitoes since they can seriously affect the fetus and even cause its death. Some of the most common diseases in risk areas are: dengue, Zika and Chikungunya.

12 things that a pregnant woman should not do.

8. Get X-rays

On the other hand, unless the treating doctor indicates otherwise, the radiation emitted by x-ray machines should be avoided. In general, doctors do not authorize them unless it is an emergency.

9. Toxic chemicals

Although the effect of some chemicals has not been proven, as a precaution the pregnant woman should not have contact with them. Avoid direct exposure to pesticides, insecticides, and other commonly used cleaning products, such as ammonia mixed with detergent and other detergents.

10. Extreme physical exercises

High-impact exercise and routines of inappropriate duration can even lead to premature death of the fetus. Likewise, if the mother makes excessive efforts, it could cause injuries that may require surgical intervention, as is the case with hernias.

11. Sedentary lifestyle

As we have mentioned, extremes are detrimental to health. And just as you should not perform high impact and excessive duration exercise routines, you should not fall into a sedentary lifestyle. It is necessary for the mother to stay active with some kind of gentle exercise and, if you like, of a recreational nature.

12. Use of laxatives

Despite the fact that constipation is a very common reality during pregnancy, it is necessary to avoid resorting to laxatives without a prescription. While it is true that there are many over-the-counter products that help improve intestinal transit, every pregnant woman should always consult with her doctor.

Instead of opting for laxatives, it is best to eat a diet rich in fiber, stay well hydrated and try to do a little daily exercise to promote a bowel movement.

The things that a pregnant woman should not do constitute a guide to carry a healthy pregnancy and, above all, to create responsibility as to how we take care of both ourselves and others; or in this case: how we take care of the life of a baby.

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