3 Girl Haircuts For The Summer

Summer is coming and with it fun, walks and inclement heat. It’s time to update the wardrobe with fresher clothes and also choose trendy and easy-to-wear haircuts this season.
3 girlish haircuts for summer

The temperature rises, the holidays arrive and the time to look for the girl haircuts for the summer that your little one needs to be fresh and fashionable. What are the alternatives we have?

When choosing a good haircut, there are many things that we must take into account. For example: the volume, the porosity, the shape of the face and the climate we are going to face. It is also essential to ask the girl how she would like to wear her hair; We cannot make that important decision alone.

We must excite our daughters with a change of look, ask for their preferences and, from there, make a final decision regarding length and style. Perhaps you decide on a daring style and we, as mothers, should redirect that idea towards an option that is more appropriate for your age and hair type.

Remember that our children are very influenced by television and social networks. They may be drawn to their favorite soccer player or singer’s haircut, and that might not be the one for you.

There we must be very intelligent and direct your aspirations to a selection that really suits you and is consistent with your size, style and type of hair. In general, the styles of the girl’s haircuts for the summer are very similar: little length and a lot of bangs.

However, we have a lot of variety, since they are not the only options. Long hair does not lose its space this season.

How to choose the best girl haircuts for the summer?

Hair grows, yes; But while this is happening, it is better to avoid mistakes. What we must do is consider some important aspects in terms of aesthetics and, from that, select the best girl haircuts for the summer.

Identify the type of face of your girl

It is essential to identify the shape of the face and the type of hair that your daughter has when selecting the haircut that best suits her. How do we determine it?

A very simple technique is to stop your child in front of a mirror and, with a whiteboard marker, draw the outline of her face. When you finish, you will notice if it has a square, oval or round face. 

Taking this into account, we offer you some recommendations for you to choose among the best girl haircuts for the summer.

For square faces, girlish haircuts are recommended for summer that soften the features.

1. Cut for square face

A face has these characteristics when the jaw is wide and is aligned with the cheekbones. For this type of face, summer girl haircuts that soften the features are recommended, especially those that make the jaw look thinner.

So, the recommended styles of cuts in the case of straight or wavy hair are those that leave the bangs short and the rest of the hair cut in layers. The length can vary; above the shoulders or slightly below.

If your babe has curly hair, don’t put bangs on her, but consider reducing the volume with a layered cut at shoulder length. It is a very cool alternative

2. Cut for oval or elongated face

If your daughter has a long, narrow forehead aligned with her cheekbones, then her face is oval or long. For these types of features, bob haircuts are recommended; This type of cut is ideal for both straight and curly hair.

They usually go above the shoulders, which will help keep your little one cool on hot sunny days. However, if your little girl likes to wear her hair a little longer, bob cuts can be worn with medium hair and long hair. The truth is that they are very cute and very fashionable.

Girl haircuts for the summer often look for freshness.

3. Cut for round face

If  your daughter has round cheeks and a small chin, then she is the new creditor of a round face. In this case, layered haircuts are ideal; These, by softening the features, give the impression of a slimmer face.

In these cases, the trick is to always keep some hair around the cheeks (some layers that fall right there). That is why the recommended length is at the height of the shoulders or just a little lower.

With these tips, you are sure to make the ideal selection of the cut for this summer with your little one. Why not accompany her and get the same cut! Both will be delighted with the results, they will look fashionable and will be very fresh to enjoy this long-awaited season.

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