3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Having A Child

Having a child is the greatest responsibility and the greatest commitment you will face in your life. So make sure you are financially and emotionally prepared before taking the plunge.
3 questions to ask yourself before having a child

There are women who feel like an ‘internal alarm clock begins to ring’ the moment they have a certain desire to have a child. Normally it happens when someone in the environment becomes pregnant or there is talk of increasing the family.

A woman knows when the time has come to be a mother. And when ‘the alarm clock rings’ it is no longer easy to silence it.

Having a child is one of the most important decisions that can be made both individually and as a couple. It is the ultimate responsibility of a person and there is nothing more important than caring for and protecting children. Once you are a parent, you are no longer responsible for yourself only, you are also responsible for another human being who will depend on you for everything.

For all this it is important that you make sure if you are really ready or ready to have a child before you start looking for it. It is important that you keep in mind that having a child involves many decisions. And that, in addition, it will be a priority in everything, there will be times when your needs will be in the background.


Do you have the economic possibility to raise a child?

Children cost a lot of money. You will have to pay more for food and clothing, and furthermore, education is not as free as they put it in some places. You cannot simply have a child without thinking about how much money you have in the bank and, above all, how much income you have each month.

It is necessary to consider if you have investments or savings that can cover school expenses and that can possibly also pay the university fees of your children. If you want to offer them everything they need and give them a good quality of life, you must have an income because even if we don’t like to realize it, in this society money is needed to advance.

Do you have support or a good family structure?

Raising a child is not easy, but doing it alone is much more difficult. While you don’t necessarily need a partner to start a family, being able to count on other people around you to support you is essential. It can be a solid group of friends who already have children, they can be your parents or your siblings … but you need to know that you are not alone in raising your little one.

Yes, it is true that in our society there are people who have managed to raise and raise a child, or more, without anyone who has supported them at all. We are not saying that it is impossible or that it cannot be done, what we are saying is that everything will be much more difficult than if you have the support of other people around you.

Are you willing to change your lifestyle forever?

It is not possible to work every night or on weekends when you are raising a child. Even if you have quite committed schedules and even if you spend a large part of the day outside, your child will need you at home by his / her side several times during the day. It is true that it is possible to balance career and demanding work with a baby, but always being stressed is not ideal.


Once you are a parent, life will never be the same as before. It may be much better, but you will have to be prepared for that change. Are you ready for everything you know in your current life to change completely?

Both your social life and your hobbies, travel or studies … it will never be the same again. Your priorities will be very different once you have your child in your arms. You and your needs will stay in the background to put your child in the first option, always. Without discussion. You need to agree to this in order to take the plunge.

Choosing to have a child is a very important decision, surely the most important decision you will ever make in your entire life. For this reason it is necessary that you are absolutely sure that you are ready to be a father or mother. So do not hesitate to evaluate your interior and know that you are fully prepared both economically, socially and emotionally.

Being a mother is an option, not an obligation

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