31 Things Only A Mother Thinks

If you are pregnant or a mother of young children, these things have more than likely crossed your mind!
31 things only a mom thinks

Moms are sometimes a bit creative; If we do not have enough information, we worry and we can ask ourselves the most unusual questions. Even picking up the phone to ask the pediatrician how much is going through our minds. This article collects 31 things that only a mom thinks.

Being a mom and being worried about something about our child “seem to be synonymous.” That is why, from the moment we get the news that confirms that we are pregnant, a number of things begin to circulate in our heads that only we can think of.

However, the great news is that this never ends, being a mother does not have an expiration date and our worries will be present until the day we are no longer in the physical plane.

During pregnancy

In this article we have compiled the 31 things (most popular and common) that moms think  from the time we are pregnant until our child is of preschool age. It is more than likely that you feel identified with everything that we are going to tell you here. 

a mom thinks

1. I will not tell my friends until I am over the third month, do not come someone with bad energy and this generates problems in my pregnancy.

2. Could it be that he is training well? When I do the first Echosonogram the obstetrician will have to set aside 4 hours until I check it from head to toe. You better be very patient.

3. This whole, good! Now I have a new pair of doubts: could it be that he will be able to see and hear well?

4. Hopefully it doesn’t look like… (husband’s relative’s name). God help me.

5. What if he doesn’t cry at birth? What could I do?

At birth

6. Did they check well? Did they count fingers and toes? Is complete?  

7. Is everything okay? Did you talk to the doctor? Aren’t you hiding anything from me?

8. Are you breathing well? Can I take it home?

9. Can I seriously get out of here with my baby without anyone asking me anything? What if I’m stealing it?

When bringing the baby home

a mom thinks

10. Will I be able to take good care of him?

11. This is a lot of responsibility and it is exhausting, I thought it would be more fun.

12. Will my breast milk be good enough quality to feed properly?

13. Why does it seem that when you are sound asleep you stop breathing? I’d better stay and watch.

14. Could it be that everything is complete inside? Will you have any undetected internal malformations? I better call the pediatrician.

15. Will you be well hydrated just by breastfeeding? I better give it water. No better not!

16. Two days without evacuating. Could it be that I prepared the bottle in the wrong way, did I do something wrong?

17. Why are you crying so much? Could it be that I don’t know how to interpret it or take good care of it?

18. I am exhausted and depressed. Am I a bad mother?

19. I have not even been able to change my clothes, it seems unfair to him I have changed them 5 times so far this day.

20. This is not how I dreamed it, I feel like crying too.

21. Why hasn’t your first tooth come out? Something is wrong?

22. Why don’t you feel alone? What will be happening?

When you start work or drop it off at daycare

23. I feel free for a few hours, I think I’m happy.

24. I feel very guilty for leaving it in the care of someone else. And if I take care of it during the day and work at night … no that’s crazy!

25. I feel like I’m running away, but I need it, I have mixed feelings! Whoops! I feel like a bad mother.

26. Could it be that they are feeding it correctly? They won’t do it like me, my little one must be having a hard time.

27.  What if they hit or hurt you? If I discover any of that, you will truly know who I am.

28. What will I do if he does not put down the diapers and is 3 years old?

29. The pediatrician is sure to be infected with viruses that other children who are sick have. What anguish! They should divide the office into two places: healthy children and children with viruses.

30. Grandparents overfeed him, he will soon be overweight.

31. When his grandparents take care of him, he comes home differently and very spoiled. In my upbringing my parents had more character. The baby does what he wants with them, I don’t understand that, but I better keep quiet, I don’t want to add more stress.

And this is not over

When he is older then we have new “anguish and thoughts” when our son is not close to us: “I am afraid of being kidnapped, and why doesn’t he communicate with me? Could it be that he suffered an accident? That is why we can conclude that   a mother’s love and concerns never end.

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