5 Cervantes Phrases For Teenagers

Writers have left us much more than their works. In his writings we can find phrases that, despite their antiquity, are still as valid and are as necessary as in those times.
5 Cervantes phrases for teenagers

Miguel de Cervantes is recognized as the greatest figure in Spanish literature. His main work, The ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, has taken him to that pedestal, which also meant that he was always a benchmark in terms of life lessons. These phrases by Cervantes for teenagers are, without a doubt, an example of his wisdom.

Don Quixote, as his main creation is known, is the most translated and edited book in history, second only to the Bible. This, in addition to the fact that it became reading material in many, many schools around the world, clearly indicates its magnitude.

Cervantes, its author, was a poet playwright and even a soldier, as well as a writer. In his youth, he was exiled to Italy and was also imprisoned for five years with his brother. A Turkish flotilla kidnapped them and, after several escape attempts, finally won their freedom in 1580 after paying a ransom of 500 escudos.

This life story, added to his contacts with royalty in that 16th century, made Cervantes a respected and listened man. It is no surprise, therefore, that his phrases are still remembered and valued today.

The best Cervantes phrases for teenagers

1. “Love and desire are two different things; that not everything that is loved is desired, nor everything that is desired is loved “

In a stage of mixed feelings and confusion between love and desire, Cervantes brings a measure of clarity to the matter. This phrase can make adolescents reflect on how they feel specifically towards another person. Undoubtedly, something worth considering in these emotionally charged years.

Love and desire in youth are other themes in Cervantes' phrases for adolescents.

2. “Among the greatest sins that men commit, although some say it is pride; I say that it is ungratefulness, in keeping with what is often said: that hell is full of the ungrateful ”.

Here, the Spanish author highlights the virtue of being grateful. On the path of life there will be many people who will lend you a hand: never forget them.

Tomorrow, hopefully with your goals already accomplished, you should look back and be able to look those who gave you a push of encouragement at the time. If it is necessary to return the collaboration, of course, do not even hesitate.

3. “Good doing never lacks a prize”

It is common these days to see the message that the bad guys never pay it or that it makes no difference to be honest or not, if at the end of the day there are no rewards or punishments for anyone. Cervantes, on the other hand, does not think so.

With these wise words, the historical poet makes it clear that for him, sooner or later, everything in life returns. If you do good, then you will get rewards in your life for such actions.

4. “The path of virtue is very narrow and the path of vice, wide and spacious”

Again, a red flag for the winding road of adolescence. In it, young people encounter many distractions and temptations; some of them are not healthy at all.

It is important, then, to know how to put them aside and follow the path of virtue. Although it may seem ‘boring’ or ‘not worth it’, fulfilling the obligations and being responsible will lead you to a successful conclusion tomorrow.

5. “Down the street of ‘I’m going’ you go to the house of ‘never'”

Procrastination is an increasingly present evil in today’s society. We have distractions in every place we turn our gaze to.

In all respects, procrastinating does nothing but go against objectives. It is so both academically, as in work and in everyday life. Also social relationships and emotional decisions are often fraught with uncertainty and postponement.

6. “There is no book so bad that it does not have something good”

Of course, as a passionate about letters, Cervantes’ phrases for adolescents could not omit the transmission of the love of reading.

We have a huge language, but every time we use it less and in a worse way. In addition, the books also provide great life lessons that deserve to be heard, whether to follow them or to disagree completely. As the author states, all of them will leave you with some important conclusion.

Cervantes' phrases for adolescents also seek to awaken the passion for reading in them.

Other valuable Cervantes phrases for teenagers

  • “Few or no times is the ambition fulfilled other than with third party damage”
  • “In common misadventures, spirits are reconciled and friendships become closer”
  • “The truth can be stretched, but it is never broken, and it always rises above lies, like oil floats on water”
  • “Time matures all things, no man is born wise”
  • “What madness or nonsense leads me to count other people’s faults, having so much to say about mine?”
  • “Against silence there is no punishment or answer”

From a figure as emblematic and capable as Miguel de Cervantes, we can only extract good lessons. It is important to transmit them to the youngest, to dialogue with them and, above all, to encourage them to apply them. That they have been pronounced or written centuries ago does not mean that they are not current; Rather it is the opposite.

Be encouraged to share Cervantes phrases for adolescents and comment on them as a family. Without a doubt, everyone will learn a lot and in a very enjoyable way.

Images courtesy of: Salminter

7 phrases for teenagers

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