5 Keys To Enjoying Motherhood

Sometimes enjoying motherhood can be difficult. Know some keys that can help you in this regard.
5 keys to enjoying motherhood

Enjoying motherhood sometimes becomes difficult. But once we are mothers we realize that it is a way to go and that we will have better and worse moments.

Many times we get an unrealistic idea of ​​what motherhood is. Photographs in magazines, websites, blogs, social networks or comments from other mothers may have helped us create that image of motherhood as continuous happiness.

5 keys to enjoying motherhood

Even if everything is not perfect, we have to try to enjoy our motherhood as much as possible. Therefore, in this article we discuss five keys that will help you enjoy your motherhood on a daily basis.

Some days you will achieve it and others you will not, but surely they will help you live motherhood in a calmer way.

1. Assume you are not perfect

From the first day you will want everything to be perfect but you have to know that motherhood, in a way, is an obstacle course. One day children will eat well and another badly, one day they will sleep well and another not. Every day will be different, do not hesitate.

There will also be days when you will feel strong enough to fight with everything, but others you will feel tired. Therefore, do not beat yourself up if one day things do not go as expected, it is normal. Surely tomorrow you will have forgotten and will have other concerns. Remember that motherhood is a daily journey.

You do not want to always be a “supermom”, because you are not, and sometimes the porridge will go wrong and other times you will forget to buy the diapers. Don’t worry, it happens to all mothers. Also, if you need it, ask your family or friends for help. Everyone is sure to be happy to help you out, especially in the first few weeks.

2. Learn to enjoy the little things

Motherhood is not a state of continuous happiness but, as in life, there are great days and not so great days. That is why it is best to enjoy that universe of small things that we have in front of us throughout the day, such as:

  • A walk in the park.
  • A snack with the friends from the nursery school.
  • A fun game with mom

If you focus on these little things, you are sure to enjoy motherhood every day.

3. Forget the environment

Mothers have a special instinct to be able to face motherhood. But sometimes we come across a lot of doubts and insecurities on a day-to-day basis. These are increased when someone in our environment asks us questions about the baby, comparing him with other children in the environment (does he already know how to eat only with the spoon?

Each child has its own rhythm and its own evolution. There are children who do not crawl, children who want to chew at eight months. There are many children who do not follow the calendars. Motherhood is not a competition but a path. Do not forget.

You also have to learn to ignore some comments and criticisms that not only do not give you any help, but they overwhelm you. Learn to discriminate what can help you and what cannot. Get out of that circle from the first day and you will see how you enjoy your motherhood more every day.


4. Enjoy your children

Since they are newborns we have to enjoy our children. Try to let him know from day one how important he is to you and that you love him with all your heart.

Take it, hug it, pamper it, even if they tell you not to because it gets used to it. This will establish a bond with him for life.

5. Make time for yourself

Although motherhood is surely the best thing that has happened to you in this life, do not forget yourself. Surely you can find half an hour to take care of your body, to talk and meet your friends, to dedicate your free time to what you like the most like watching television series or reading.

Think that by being a mother you do not stop being yourself and you continue to have many illusions and projects.

Being a mother is a wonderful gift

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