5 Questions About Home Birth

5 questions about home birth

If we ask our grandmothers where they gave birth, surely more than one would say they did it at home because before there were not many options. With the advancement of medicine, and with the intention of preventing any problem, delivery passed into the hands of professionals.

This allows the entire process to be controlled by all possible variables, making deliveries safer. However, home birth is a trend that has become “fashionable” in recent years.

If you are considering it as an option, you probably have a lot of questions. Here we answer the most common ones.

1. Isn’t it very dirty?

Home birth can be more hygienic than hospital birth . First of all, there are not a lot of curtains used and most women are not well draped in a clinic.

mom with baby

This reduces the likelihood of dirt or mess. Just as fluids and water are expelled during childbirth, the materials used absorb most of these without problems.

Some specialists also recommend using old sheets on the bed and having a plastic protector under other sheets.

After delivery, most midwives, or doctors, clean everything they brought in and nothing is left after the baby is born.

2. What do they do with the placenta?

It is important that you speak with the doctor who will attend your birth at home. Most of the time, they take the placenta away to be disposed of in the correct places.

Usually you will not have to worry about these residues. Some parents decide to keep a part of it to store stem cells but it is not mandatory.

3. Who can we have at birth?

baby at the arm of relatives

This is between your family, your midwife or doctor and you . Many midwives and doctors do not have a specific number of people who are allowed to deliver.

Of course, you need to maintain certain safety and emotional precautions. Don’t fill the room to the point where no one can fit. Do not invite people who may annoy you or who may make you worry about the labor or birth.

4. Can all women give birth at home?

All women are prepared to give birth alone. This is true, but It is not true that all women can give birth at home without problems. If this were true, the delivery would never have been transferred to the hospital.

In other words, nature is very wise but it is not infallible at all. For this reason, it is recommended to go to a hospital to give birth when the following situations occur:

  • That the mother has a serious heart, kidney, or respiratory disease.
  • That the pregnancy is considered high risk .
  • That the delivery is premature or post-term.
  • That the baby does not come in a cephalic position.
  • That it is a pregnancy with more than one baby or that the woman has given birth by cesarean section in previous deliveries.

5. How much does a home birth cost?

Unlike a hospital birth, having a home birth is not covered by social security. This means that it is the parents who must bear the costs of attendance.

The final cost if you choose to deliver at home will depend on the services and specialists that care for the mother and baby. In addition to care, the cost usually includes prepartum visits, the availability of the specialist from week 37 and follow-up visits after the birth .

Here are some common questions to consider if you decide to have a home birth. Lastly, remember to choose a well-qualified healthcare professional.

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