5 Skills Parents Must Have For Effective Discipline

5 Skills Parents Must Have For Effective Discipline

Having children is a challenge for any parent. As much as you have read, observed and listened to, when it comes down to it, dealing with the education of a child is not an easy thing, especially in terms of discipline. A parenting style for effective discipline requires parents to possess or develop a number of key skills without which it will not be possible to instill such discipline. 

Depending on the age and behavior of the child, there may be times when some skills are easier to use than others. Improving those skills leads to practice. Parenting books, classes, and support groups can be great resources for developing them. In any case, there are certain skills that are essential in the effective promotion of discipline.

discipline children

Provide a positive example

Many parents try to instill in their children a set of values ​​and a certain discipline while doing the opposite. But this is not effective at all.  in fact, it is the best way to teach children to do the wrong things, because children learn from what they see, not what they hear.

Modeling appropriate behaviors is an essential skill for parents, but they should set an example and not justify the way they do. The contradictions between what they see and what they hear give a disastrous image of the parents, it undermines them. In these circumstances, children lose respect for their parents.

Finding the balance between safety and security

The safety of children is a fundamental issue on which not all parents agree. While some overprotect their children and isolate them from any possibility of danger, others, in their eagerness to overprotect them, give them a lot of freedom. But  you need to find a balance when it comes to safety and security.

In this sense, it is necessary to educate in confidence, allowing children to experience the natural consequences of their actions, as well as teaching them to make healthy decisions taking into account not only their momentary pleasure, but also the effect they will cause on others.


Set appropriate limits

It is essential that parents can set proper limits for their children, even when a child protests. Setting appropriate limits means that the child has clear rules and the parent uses developmentally appropriate discipline strategies. But, in addition, they must be respected.

But parents must also respect limits in their behavior, setting an example of self-control and responsibility. Smoking or drinking in front of children, showing tiredness due to not having enough sleep, using inappropriate language or overeating, for example, show the child a clear display of self-control and responsibility on the part of their parents.

Manage stress effectively

Parents who manage their stress effectively are much more successful in instilling discipline in their child. Stressed parents are more likely to yell and stress their children. They are also more likely to use punishment rather than discipline.

On the other hand, when a parent is stressed it can lead to more behavior problems in their children, which in turn leads to increased pressure on parents.

Set clear expectations

When children do not understand what is expected of them, it can be impossible to meet parental expectations. The most effective parents are able to say clearly what is expected of them in a way that they can understand. Also, they ask their children for things that they can really do.

In this sense, effective parents are also able to be clear about their objectives and set achievable goals. In this way, they set an example to their children of perseverance and effort, of time and stress management and self-efficacy. In addition, they are able to empathize better with their children when frustration and lack of motivation strike.

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