5 Things You Should Never Do To Your Baby

5 things you should never do to your baby

You already learned it by dint of living without being able to avoid it. When a child is born, not only motherhood comes. Well, with them comes a flood of advice. It doesn’t matter if you asked for them or not, and if they really interest you. Nor if they are appropriate or simple myths. However, there are a number of things you should never do to your baby.

It is about those tips of yesteryear that are maintained over time. Those deeply rooted in grandmothers generally. Even given with the best intentions in the world, these suggestions, far from helping, complicate motherhood. They also bring into play the sacred bond between mother and child, among others.

Even if many say otherwise, always follow your instincts and the instructions of health professionals. You will see that being a mother is a wonderful, beautiful and satisfying experience. Complications, fears, doubts and fatigue will only be a memory when you feel the gratification of having given your best.

For this reason, in this You Are Mom article , we tell you about those things that you shouldn’t do to your baby for any reason. Take note of the following tips that are better to ignore. Of course, let go of everything that your trusted doctors have not indicated.

 What you should never do to your baby

Of course, you are not born knowing how to be a good mother. It is quite a challenge. A conducive context to stimulate a bombardment of secrets of yesteryear. Yes, it can be truly overwhelming. So, friend, with the best smile take all of this for what they are: opinions. And continue with your work, that you are perfect to do it.

  • “Don’t get him badly used to your arms . And yes, your body has always been your best refuge. Nine months protected, warm and safe in your belly. Your arms are the continuity of that sensation in the outside world. For this reason, at least until the baby is 18 months old, it is essential that the child feels affection. How is it achieved? Simply through skin-to-skin contact, which strengthens the mother-child bond.
  • Never ignore it. Babies do not cry out of anger or have the power to manipulate. Her crying is her only way of communicating and it varies according to the need she manifests. The ignored newborn experiences great anguish that he will express by crying. It should go without saying that he is a small and defenseless human being, completely dependent on his parents.                                                                                                                              
  • Never leave it alone. This is another of the things that under no circumstances should you do to your baby. Many say that making this serious mistake is beneficial in teaching them to be independent. However, the result of this practice is counterproductive. Under these conditions, the child ends up becoming a person devoid of affection, with severe emotional marks. You are also likely to carry insecurity and low self-esteem your entire life.
  • Don’t hit the baby. Violence would never be a solution or a way of teaching and discipline. Less than less when they are babies. As adults, we have an enormous responsibility to guide, protect and teach the little one in a loving way. Logically, without losing sight of the fact that for this minor this world is new and surprising. Just explain in a firm voice so they understand. Since violence the only learning that it yields is obedience for fear of possible reprisals.
  • Dismiss the abundant myths of sleep. “That he does not sleep in his arms, that he does it without help,” he  repeats with fierce insistence. However, it is good to reassure babies before falling asleep. Commonly, when the little one wakes up, he feels unprotected. This motivates crying that expresses anguish and fear. Thus, a lullaby, rocking it, speaking with a sweet and relaxed tone are the best option. Another thing you should never do to your baby is let him cry himself to sleep. With this you will not learn to manage your emotions. You just won’t be able to develop a sense of trust in the world, in relationships, and in yourself.

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