5 Tips For Our Son To Be Ordered

5 tips for our child to be orderly   

All children are at some point in their life a little messy . They don’t like to pick up their clothes or their toys. We are going to give you in this article 5 tips so that your child is tidy.

If you add to this that they are also sometimes a bit clueless for many parents, it becomes a problem. Children who forget their books to do their homework or their sweater because they have taken it off in the schoolyard.

Children have a hard time organizing. They are overwhelmed by ordering their room, their books, their toys … That is why we have to teach them little by little. Without stress, or rush.

The first years of your life are essential to learn to be orderly. From a very young age you have to teach him to put the toys in his drawer or the paintings in his boat. They have to learn that they cannot have everything thrown in their room.

The order favors the tranquility and the attention of the children. Clutter produces nervousness because it complicates the simple activity of finding things. If your child keeps his room tidy, everything will be beneficial for his future.



They have to understand that having their room tidy for example is their obligation. In order for them to achieve this, you have to gradually teach them so that little by little they get used to ordering. One day he is told to tidy up the table in his room, another day the books or stuffed animals. Slowly. Do not overwhelm him and tell him that he has to order everything because he will feel that it is too much and he will reject it.


Before going to sleep the children have to have their backpack ready for the next day. If they get used to doing it since they were little, it will not cost them when they grow up. It is also important that they learn as soon as they know how to write to write down their tasks on the agenda. They have to control what their duties and jobs are for the next day. If he forgets, try to make him contact his classmates himself. For some class assignments, for example, you will have to collect materials such as paints, cardboard or markers.



It is very important that the child keep his attention only on the task of ordering. If he scatters and starts to play or leaves the room, it will surely be more difficult later. Children have to finish the homework they start either picking up their toys or finishing homework. Parents can supervise it, but if you help them too much, next time they will feel like they couldn’t do it alone.

Precise indications

Sometimes what really happens to children is that they don’t know how to order. They have to know where to leave dirty clothes or shoes. Also where to put books and toys. Try not to leave dirty clothes lying around your room or bathroom from a young age.

You must set concrete and achievable objectives. You must be very precise in the orders you give to pick up. If you generally tell him to tidy up his room, he may not do what you want. You have to tell him to put the toys in the chest or to put the dirty clothes in the basket.

Tricks to help you be tidy

Up to about eight years old you will have to help ak children after playing . A good idea is to see it as part of the game. You can make up a song to sing together when everything is over and you have to start collecting. You can also race to see who collects the most toys or leaves them in the basket.

A good idea is to have drawers, boxes or colored toy boxes so that children know where they have to leave everything. Very large boxes are not practical because to play they have to remove everything from inside.

And the best thing is that every three months you review the toys together and encourage him to give the ones that are already for the little ones to other children in need. You will get rid of toys that he no longer plays with. In addition, they will learn to share with others and will be happier. Learning to order will help them to know where they have things and to be more balanced. Do not hesitate. If they learn to order, they will be more responsible children.


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