6 Board Games To Play With The Family

Board games can be a great option to spend quality family time and strengthen relationships.
6 board games to play with the family

Playing with your loved ones is an excellent option to reduce stress while improving family relationships. Read on and discover these six board games to play as a family. You will love them!

Board games to play with the family

Sushi go

Have fun with this card game for two to five players, combining different delicious sushi dishes ! Sushi Go features fast and easy gameplay. It is perfect for playing at home due to its family genre.

Over three rounds, players must choose a single card from their deck at a time and place it face up in front of each of them and pass their deck to the player on their right.

This action must be repeated until the cards of all the players are used up, which will mean the end of the round. The points of the combination of the sushi dishes already chosen for the next round are counted . Attention: be careful not to catch dessert cards!


A classic, but still the king of board games in many homes. This familiar board game, and for a number of between three to six players, consists of finding out how a murder happened through three questions: who? With what? and when?

Board games to play with the family.

The three offense cards are hidden from view of the players and the rest are dealt among them. With the help of a cheat sheet of possible locations, weapons, and locations where the murder was committed, players should ask in order when, by whom, and with what they think the crime was committed.

Virus !,  ideal for family play

One of the best-selling games in recent years and possibly one of the most popular to play with the family. It is a simple card game in which two to six players can participate, for all audiences, and with an approximate duration of 20 minutes.

With a maximum of three cards in hand each turn, players must place and draw cards until they have a total of four different body organs in their playing area of ​​the table. The first one to collect four different organ cards face up wins, but with one condition: they must be healthy!  That is, it is necessary that no other player has placed a virus on your organ cards.

Jungle speed

Jungle Speed is a card game that the whole family could play. Available for up to three to fifteen players, this family game is characterized by the high activity and participation of all its members.

The first thing we must do to play Jungle Speed is to distribute all the cards among the players and group them in equal piles. In order, the cards must be turned face up until a player notices that there are two cards with the same symbol.

Family playing board games.

At that time, the player must pick up the totem, a symbol of the game, before the other player. The punishment is that the loser collects all the cards face up from the winner, since the first one to run out of cards wins the game.


For three to six players, Dixit is a particularly original card game while presenting great visual beauty. Players must try to guess the cards of the rest of their teammates based on a single clue.

It is a highly recommended game to play with the family and with the little ones, since it facilitates and encourages the development of creativity and imagination.

Pandemic , the leader to play with the family

Finally, probably one of the best known board games in the entire sector today. Each player must assume a determined role to save humanity through the discovery of the four cures for diseases that threaten the entire planet.

One of the most characteristic and attractive features of this game is that the only rival is the game itself. In other words, it is a cooperative board game in which players are on the same team to win.

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