6 Things That Make The Unborn Baby Happy

6 things that make your unborn baby happy

Having adequate prenatal control and good intrauterine stimulation will help establish bonds of affection that connect you with the little one and will make him feel happy throughout the gestation process.

Once one of the most extraordinary miracles of nature – the gestation of a baby – occurs, immediate and exclusive complicity with that little being that develops in our wombs arises, which is why we are always very aware of the things that make him happy before he is born.

The illusion and emotion that represents being in a state of pregnancy is an indescribable feeling for most of the women who have lived it, for this reason we usually listen or read “you will only understand it when you experience it”.

There are a wide variety of actions that we can do so that the baby feels comfortable and happy while it develops, below we highlight some of them:

Effective control of the baby before birth

Providing special care to the baby throughout the pregnancy becomes the main priority of future mothers who seek their well-being, that is why having a good prenatal control is essential to take care of their development, allowing to apply any early corrective in case that the doctor detects some type of eventuality.

Taking care of your baby’s health before birth

Having an excellent diet, a correct hydration in combination with a little exercise, is also a way to give your baby quality and well-being Developing. If you feel good, that little one that grows inside you will be too. Taking care of our health is a way to show how much you love him and want him to be very well in there.

Communication and bonding

Talking to the baby before it is born is an important part of the early stimulation tools that will allow its integral development in the future. The great amount of emotional and neural benefits that this type of communication generates is fundamental, since it promotes the consolidation of a strong affective bond.


The baby’s ears complete their formation at the beginning of the second trimester of gestation, a milestone that makes them able to hear intrauterine sounds and especially the mother’s voice

The baby in the womb is able to clearly hear the sounds emitted by the future mother, due to the high-frequency transmission that the sound waves produce internally.

Intrauterine stimulation

Another way of communicating with our baby and achieving a good connection is through intrauterine stimulation, which is why we can caress our belly making very gentle strokes so that the baby can feel them and feel happy.

In the last months of pregnancy you will be able to interact with him and you will get clear signs that he is there listening to you. You will feel very encouraged when you manage to perceive something that you like a lot.

Contact with other family members

Whenever other members of the family can be included in the enjoyment of the pregnancy process, celebrate each advance with family and close friends, for example: when the baby makes movements that show how fast it is growing in the womb.

Photo courtesy of B&B Fotografia – Javier

Depending on the month of gestation, the baby will be able to interpret them, he will feel very stimulated which will generate positive feelings that will help him emotionally to feel desired, loved and welcome to this world.

Sense of opportunity

Like all of us, in the last months of pregnancy the baby has its hours of rest or activity. It is convenient to try to identify those spaces of rest or activity so as not to interrupt it, although you may not believe it, you could irritate it if you wake it up with songs or massages at the right moment of its rest.


In the last stage of pregnancy, anxiety levels increase in the baby, caused as a result of the discomfort caused by the little space that is already left in the uterus. For this reason, it is advisable to increase the frequency of communication and stimulation in this period.

To help him in this last stage of pregnancy, you can combine physical contact with songs or words that make him feel calm. If you feel very restless you can vary positions if you are lying down or standing and walk a little to help him feel more relaxed.

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