7 Ways To Tell Your Child That You Love Him Without Words

7 Ways to Tell Your Child You Love Him Without Words

Never stop telling your child that you love him, how important he is to your life and the happiness that his very presence brings you. Bringing him up to speed on your emotions through the sweetest phrases will make him feel secure and extremely loved.

But there is another way to tell your child that you love him. It has as much or more significance than the word itself, because it is based on an always truthful language: the one you transmit with your body.

At You Are Mom we want to make you aware of 7 effective ways to tell your child how much you love him using your body language.

The looks

Show love for the things they love

As many say “The eyes are the mirror of the soul” and “A look is worth a thousand words.” If words can be deceiving, looks cannot. Therefore, one way to tell your child that you love him is the look you give him when you have him in front of you.

Your tenderness, devotion, attachment, love, respect, understanding … Even as a child your child will understand your feelings through the looks you give him.

The caresses

Touching shows how much or how little you love another human being. Who does not feel something for another person has a hard time caressing them.

The caresses revive the spirit. A child who gets used to receiving and enjoying the caresses of his mother is a happy child; And just as he receives those pampering, he will learn and like to give them to his parents.

If you pet your child you are telling him, even silently, that it is adorable to be by his side and you love to provide him with love.

The kisses

The amount of kisses you give your child can be transformed into love credits that will make it possible for him to know that he is loved for years to come when he has to leave the nest, becomes an adult and moves to a distant place where you can no longer see him on a daily basis. .

The contact of the lips with the skin of the cheeks, the eyelids, the hands, the forehead and any other part of the body will transmit to your child the affection that, long before his birth, you began to have him.

The hugs

Hugs convey trust, cordiality, brotherhood. They are examples of the body language that we emit when we feel good around someone or we are happy to see them and have them around.

Therefore, hug your child when he arrives from kindergarten, school, the sports area … Hug him every morning when he gets up or you have to say goodbye to him at the door. A strong little squeeze will teach him that whoever loves you holds you tight.

Photo courtesy of inspirulina.com

The winks of eyes

If you want to tell your child that you love him, wink at him every time the moment warrants it. Winks mean:

• I approve of what you are doing
• I think the way you are and how you behave
• I am your accomplice in the mischief you just invented

The smiles

When people laugh or smile they show that they are happy. Smiles lift everyone’s spirits and lift even the saddest out of their melancholic state.

Smiling at your little one will not only let him know how happy you are every time he filled the space that you lacked, it will also stimulate his good spirits and show him that life must be faced in a positive way, with optimism and joy. . If you want to tell your child that you love him and make him happy, smile at him.

The attentions

Attend to his call when he is afraid or needs you to help him with something, look at him every time he talks to you or asks you to see what he has just done, meet his needs, listen to him, share time with him, dedicate a few hours of the day to play or do what he likes, accompany him in his extracurricular activities, guide him in his homework, educate him …, the attention you give your child will confirm the love you have for him.

If you advise him when he needs it, you feed him, you protect him, you instill in him values, you prepare him for the world, you give him toys, you teach him to seek courage in the face of the greatest failures and obstacles, you offer him your shoulder to cry and you are present when he needs you…, you don’t need a voice or elaborate words to convey to him how big your heart becomes every time you have him in front of you. Your act itself tells them.

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