8 Tips To Teach English To Children At Home In A Practical Way

Knowing English today is extremely necessary. But so that your children do not see it as a requirement or obligation, it is good that you put into practice certain strategies that make this learning fun.
8 tips to teach English to children at home in a practical way

Over the years, many methods have been developed to teach English to children, as a second language in most cases. Lately, the methodology is based on the correct pronunciation, since it allows the development of the cognitive capacity of bilingual children.

How to teach English without forcing children?

The most widespread belief is that being bilingual is learned and achieved only if the child speaks or has contact with both languages ​​from an early age. However, for others it is a myth, as it is also claimed that you can learn a second language later.

The key according to professionals in the field is to have the proper procedure. That is why in recent years the method of learning through enjoyment has increased. So teaching English to children can be fun to the point that they enjoy and are looking forward to a new class.

One of the safest bets to teach English to children is to fully involve them in that environment, that is, that during class the total development is in that language.

Thus, they will have permanent contact with the correct pronunciation or phonetics of the language and will get used to its use and the expressiveness of the spoken language.

It is very likely that there will be some resistance at first, and it is totally normal, since it is easier to communicate in the way that we consider most comfortable. But teaching English to children in this way will allow them to see the new language as an adventure to discover.

One of the most common mistakes is asking the child to say words or expressions in English. We must understand that what this pressure does is block the ability to learn, since it can take the brain several weeks to process information, organize ideas in a new language and express them.

Learn two languages ​​at the same time

Recommended tips for teaching English to children

Bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages ​​or languages ​​without this involving a greater effort. If you take your child to an English academy or course, you should try to reinforce that learning at home in a reasonable way.

Teaching English to children will not only become a task outside the home but also in their usual environment. That is why it is good that you know the following tips:

1.- Watch television in English

It will be enough that you adjust the language on the TV , and that it is programs, movies or cartoons that attract them.

2.- Relate to the environment

Try to get your children to interact with other children or people who speak English. Sure, just right so they don’t feel intimidated.

3.- Reading in English

If you are instilling a love of reading, it would be a good time for you to present a story in that language. It can be a book that makes them associate the actions of the characters, actions and objects with illustrations.

4.- Propose simple and fun games

Play to say the colors in English, of the things or cars that you see go by. Remember, teaching English to children  has to go hand in hand with entertainment.

5.- Performed songs

This method will allow them to associate a spoken word or expression with an action, allowing easy understanding of spoken language, while being fun.

6.- Electronic devices

Take advantage of new technological resources to promote their understanding and learning. If your children use iPads, mobiles or other devices, you can look for applications in English so that they become fully familiar with its use.

Technology is part of our life.

7.- Participate in their activities

Do not see it as something crazy, you could request permission to attend or accompany him to one of his classes. That your children see you interacting will also motivate them.

8.- Time

You must establish what is known as the time strategy. Remember that we are talking about bilingual children. So if you intersperse days to speak in a different language, they will maintain mastery of their mother tongue and learning English without becoming saturated.

Keep in mind that teaching children well requires establishing an emotional bond with them.  The child’s curiosity and an appropriate home environment will do the rest for him to become proficient in a second language.

What is the right age for children to learn another language?

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