9 Tips To Help Your Child Not Wet The Bed

9 tips to help your child not wet the bed

Helping your child not to wet the bed is a matter to which you must pay close attention. Although before 5 years of age it is something recurrent, when they exceed this age, more precise measurements must be taken.

The first thing to do is consult with your pediatrician or a urology specialist to rule out health conditions. Children usually wet the bed because they have not consolidated their habits and because their bladder has not fully developed.

Factors that must be ruled out before any treatment.

  • Sleep apnea. If your little one snores or has other signs of sleep apnea, it is advisable to carry out an in-depth medical study.
  • Urinary tract infections Signs of a urinary infection can be detected with a urine sample.
  • Diabetes. Childhood diabetes is a very delicate condition that can also cause a child to wet the bed. The difficulty to process glucose in the body, alters many of the normal functions of the body.

9 useful recommendations so that your child does not wet the bed

On a physical level

1. Establish schedules for fluid intake. Increase the amount of fluid children consume throughout the day and reduce their intake at night.

2. In your daily routine, schedule bathroom breaks. During all the activities that your children do, take a short break so they can go to the bathroom. It is advisable to do it every two or three hours and before going to sleep.

3. Eliminate irritating foods from your children’s diet. Avoid having your children consume irritating foods or drinks at night. Beverages that contain caffeine such as chocolate or cocoa flavored milks are examples of this. It also reduces the amount of citrus drinks and artificial flavorings. These substances can irritate the bladder of children.

4. Make sure your children stay hydrated during the day. So they aren’t so thirsty when they get home from school, give them fluids during the day. Thus the consumption of liquid will be more balanced.

Helping your child not wet the bed

5. Rule out constipation. The rectum is behind the bladder, so constipation can trigger a bladder problem, especially at night. Again, it is important to consult with the doctor that this condition does not exist.

6. Avoid resorting to punishment. Getting angry at your child because he wets the bed does not make it easier for him to learn or advance. A process as complex as helping your child not to wet the bed should not cause conflict in the family.

On a psychological level …

7. Create an incentive chart. In addition to the physical component, you have to find solutions for the emotional side that is affected when your children wet the bed. On a calendar or diagram, put stars or smiley faces for each day your child stays dry in bed.

8. Provide support and motivation. To help your child avoid wetting the bed, you need to recognize every little progress. Reward their achievements and make your children feel comfortable and safe.

9. Avoid getting angry. Getting in a bad mood and blaming your kids for wetting the bed will only make things worse. For them the feeling of being wet is already uncomfortable and embarrassing (especially in children over five years old) and they need to feel supported and comforted. Show him that he is not alone in the process and that it is acceptable for his body to function differently.

Helping your child not wet the bed

Some temporary measures that you can also consider include: buying a waterproof mattress that is not affected when your children wet the bed, tightening the feeding routines, sleeping habits and regular visits to the bathroom.

There are also medications to control this situation, but it is not recommended to use them unless the pediatrician considers it strictly necessary to avoid future health complications.

Although you are looking for a quick solution, it is essential that you bear in mind that it is a learning process, a process that you must undertake with your children. Educating the body is another lesson that you can live as a family. Do it with love and dedication to get the best results for you and your little ones.

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