4 Funny Moments Of Motherhood

Accompanying your children during their growth is an adventure full of fun and endearing moments that you will remember for life.
4 funny moments of motherhood

Being a mother is a tough job, a full-time responsibility. Throughout this journey you will experience doubts, fears and guilt. But it will also provide you with wonderful experiences and unique memories. So today we want to pay tribute to some of the funniest moments of motherhood.

Living with children is an adventure. Any daily activity can become, with him, a memorable anecdote. And, although each mother keeps her own epic memories with her children, you will surely see yourself reflected in the situations that we present below.

Funny moments of motherhood

Mother spending time with her son on the beach, who kisses her.

The best alarm clock

Gone are the days when the unpleasant and repetitive sound of an alarm would bring you out of sleep. Today you are awakened by laughter, children’s voices and little feet jumping on your mattress. No matter what noise they make, it doesn’t matter if it’s early, as the desire to continue sleeping is dissipated by their contagious joy of living.

Of course, this stamp will only be present on weekends and those days when you planned, with pleasure, to sleep late. Well, for some unknown reason, all that energy and vitality turns into laziness when it’s time to go to school. Those days it will be you who will have to use all your creativity and persuasion to get them off the sheets.

A language of its own

What is more fun than witnessing the moments when a little one starts talking? That “rag tongue” struggling to articulate sounds, changing syllables from place to place; those first invented words with which they give their own meaning to the world …

Even the child with the best command of speech has made these tender mistakes that become indelible memories. Even when you’ve grown up, remembering the endearing nickname you used to address your grandfather or how hard it was to pronounce “butterfly” or “refrigerator” will once again elicit a smile from the whole family.

Little adults

Although we are not fully aware, children are watching us all the time. They are soaked in our way of speaking, acting and reacting.

You may think that the thousands of times you repeat to your child that they should not put their elbows on the table when eating are useless. Perhaps at some point you doubt if the effort you make to be patient, talk and explain the house rules over and over again is having an effect.

However, one day, when you least expect it, your child will observe you with his elbows on the table and will urge you to remove them. One afternoon, when you are angry or irritated, he will lead you by the hand to the couch, ask you to sit down, and ask you, in a calm tone, what is wrong with you.

That day it will be difficult for you to suppress a laugh when you see the irony that that little one applies the same techniques and teachings that you use so much with him. It will be as surprising as it is fun to watch him behave like a miniature adult. However, you will also feel the great satisfaction of knowing that your effort is instilling good values.

Mother giving love to her children to encourage self-care in children and having fun times during motherhood.

Sincerity in its purest form

One of the most characteristic features of children is their sincerity. They don’t have a filter, and this can lead to more than one awkward situation. Every mother has thought at some point “earth swallow me” when her little one has made a comment as frank as it is impolite towards someone.

After apologizing and getting over the embarrassment, he probably couldn’t help but laugh. For children, as observant as they are witty, often delight us with the most hilarious comments.

Thus, when your child, when observing your dark circles, asks you why you used purple makeup today, or when looking at your swollen belly after eating I asked you if you have a baby inside, you may feel offended. However, immediately a smile will be drawn on your face contemplating its spontaneity.

Motherhood is full of funny moments

These are just a few examples of the countless fun experiences that are experienced with a child. Watching your child grow will bring you many satisfactions and you will see that, by his side, there will never be a lack of laughter. Therefore,  enjoy and treasure these moments in your heart. They will be your best memories.

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