Tips And Responsibilities Of Being A Sponsor Today

Being a godmother is a privilege that involves enormous responsibility. Being chosen as a godmother means that you are someone special in the life of the bride or the baby’s parents.
Tips and responsibilities of being a sponsor today

Both when giving birth to a baby and when making the decision to marry, many women begin to think about who will be the right woman to be a godmother. This decision implies an invitation to be part of the lives of others, so it becomes an important responsibility.

If you are chosen to be a baby’s godmother, you are committed to being part of their life, advising them, giving them love and caring for them as if they were their own child. On the other hand, as a wedding godmother you will have to support the bride throughout the organization process.

Also, a godmother does not necessarily have to be someone in the family. It can be a very dear friend or a cousin, to name just a couple of examples.

Responsibilities and privileges of a baby’s godmother

Being a godmother to a baby is not just being with him on the day of the christening. Nor is it just giving gifts in special moments. This title carries responsibilities, and some of them are:

  • Have a strong bond of love with the child.
  • Be part of his life.
  • Befriend and confidant.
  • Support the child in difficult moments or in the absence of parents.

However, being chosen as a godmother is an honor for a number of reasons:

  • Parents show that they have a lot of confidence in the person they designate as sponsor and want them to be a part of their child’s life.
  • The godmother can literally become a second mother.
  • Being chosen implies that parents see you as their child’s guardian.

Tips when choosing the ideal person

When parents decide who will be the godmother, they must take into account several things:

  • Choose two people who have good qualities.
  • It should be someone they have known for a long time and with whom they have an affinity.
  • It is better that they have the same values ​​and principles.
  • If you do not choose a relative, you could choose a trustworthy friend .
  • The chosen one must agree with the responsibilities that the position entails.
Being a godmother implies being linked to someone's life forever.

7 ways to be an extraordinary godmother

In order to fully fulfill your role as a sponsor, keep in mind that you must be willing to do the following tasks:

  • Accompany the godson to all important events.
  • Attend the child’s school activities.
  • Substitute the mother or father in activities in which they cannot be present.
  • Go out to have fun with the child or eat together.
  • Take care of him on occasions to share with him.
  • In case they do not live nearby, keep in touch by phone or internet.
  • Treat him with gifts on special dates.

Responsibilities of the wedding godmother

Some of the responsibilities of the bridesmaid are:

  • Assist the bride during all the wedding preparations.
  • Organize the bachelorette party with the bride’s friends.
  • Accompany the bride to choose the dress, invitations, food or cake, among others.
Being a bridesmaid requires being in command in many organizational aspects.
  • Help the bride with the veil and the floral bouquet.
  • Deliver the rings at the time of the ceremony.
  • Calm the bride when she is worried
  • Receive guests at the ceremony.

Tips to keep in mind

To make your task as a godmother easier, we offer you the following recommendations:

  • Ask for help: a wedding is a stressful event, so if you need it, you can ask the best man for help in order to distribute the tasks.
  • Wear comfortable shoes : in case you no longer hold your heels, you can wear low and comfortable shoes.
  • Phone book:  have the most important numbers on hand, such as those of the bride’s family and close friends.
  • Prepare a bag : this should contain an emergency kit, makeup case, transparent rubbers, deodorant, plasters, needle and thread, etc.

In conclusion, being a godmother is a great responsibility for which every woman can feel privileged. Remember that, by choosing you, they are saying that they entrust you with something very valuable such as a child or the task of supporting the bride in her day.

Why is the godmother so important?

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