What Is Burnout Syndrome?

Motherhood can lead to stress and burnout. This is characteristic of burnout syndrome.
What is Burnout Syndrome?

Burnout syndrome is not a clinically identified condition, but it does express a series of complications derived from chronic stress.

This condition does exist and can affect different parts of the body. In addition, it can be related to processes such as denial of reality, chronic fatigue and the appearance of problems in managing emotions and social relationships.

The exhaustion that being a mother causes

In the case of mothers, Burnout syndrome can occur during pregnancy, postpartum or at another stage of motherhood. It is identified when the woman experiences extreme exhaustion due to her situation. That is, when you get very stressed taking care of and planning your life during pregnancy or not knowing how to treat your baby when you are a first time.

Clinically it does not appear recognized within the descriptions of mental illnesses. But in the disorder classification system it is mentioned as a problem associated with difficulty in handling life situations. However, patients with this problem in some countries are diagnosed with neurasthenia syndrome.

Burnout syndrome usually occurs when people find it difficult to cope with stressful situations at work, with their partner, or at school. As it is related to mental illness, it is common to treat it through adaptation and improvement of relationships, relaxation, change of environment, use of distractions, etc.

Burnout syndrome in mothers

More and more mothers are suffering from Burnout syndrome, as motherhood implies assuming a wide variety of responsibilities and obligations. In addition, there are many women who demand too much of themselves, trying to power themselves with everything.


The main problems appear when you are not able to solve the difficulties that life presents. In addition, in the case of motherhood, everything is new and emotional changes occur, which are very strong. Therefore, it is possible that stress and its consequences appear.

In general, these cases are typical in the last phase of pregnancy and the first days after delivery. At this stage, women worry excessively about being informed about their situation: What will it be like to give birth? How will my body change? Will I be able to face it? Thus, the mentality is modifying in a negative way, becoming very nervous and emotionally unstable.

From then on, fatigue becomes extreme and can be perceived in all aspects of life, experiencing exhaustion on a mental and physical level. To this are added all the work, family and social commitments that one can have.

Symptoms of burnout syndrome

Mom with burnout syndrome

Other less complex diseases also present symptoms similar to those that occurred with Burnout syndrome. This is one of the reasons why it is a difficult problem to diagnose.

In addition, it is possible that even the same person who suffers from it does not give it importance, especially since we are aware that motherhood is complex and brings many changes.

A mother who suffers from this syndrome may confuse her illness with the natural changes in her condition, she may come to believe that it is normal, that all mothers feel this way and that motherhood is more difficult than she imagined.

However, some symptoms allow us to determine the presence of this condition, among these we can identify the following:

  • Insomnia or sleep disruption.
  • Apathy and demotivation.
  • Headache.
  • Frustration.
  • Anguish.
  • Constant wishes to cry.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Pressure to achieve perfection in all aspects of life.
  • Chronic exhaustion.

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