Baubles And Cavities, A Bad Combination

Although a treat from time to time does not have to be especially harmful, consumed in excess is a source of cavities. It is very important that we give the necessary care to the oral health of children to avoid future problems. 
Baubles and cavities, a bad combination

They are a delicious treat when consumed with caution, but trinkets and cavities are a very common pairing. Luckily, you can avoid damaging your teeth – and especially in children – if you keep these simple tips in mind.

There are sweets of a thousand shapes and colors, but unfortunately these delicious jams are made with common sugar or sucrose, as well as other additives that are usually a breeding ground for bacteria. These substances destroy tooth tissue and cause inflammation and pain, some of which are so strong that they require a visit to the dentist.

Sweets and oral health

The main thing is to know how the consumption of sweets influences oral health. The mutans streptococcus , known as biofilm , is the bacteria responsible for plaque and cavities. It is nourished by sugar, which favors its reproduction, adhering to tooth enamel and destroying it. This causes the dreaded cavities and other problems.


Artificial juices and soft drinks have an action similar to sweets when taken outside of meals. At breakfast, lunch or dinner, the saliva produced and the drag on swallowing decrease the time that the sugar remains on the teeth.

Other foods that contain proteins and fats raise the PH and decrease the acidity, which minimizes the damage to the enamel.  If you take these sweets, sodas or juices between meals, the sugar stays longer on your teeth and damages them. If you finish brushing your teeth, the sugar disappears.

Beware of sour sweets

If, in addition to sweets, the candies are acidic, the risk is double. By themselves they can dissolve tooth enamel without the need for bacteria to act. The worst thing is that these germs will appear anyway because of the amount of sugar that the candy contains, which will cause even more damage.

A sour candy can be detected not only by its taste. You can also read the packaging. If you see names like lactic, ascorbic, phosphoric or citric acid, it is better to skip them. Phrases such as fruit extract or vitamin C are indicative of the presence of an acid and in that case it is better not to consume them.

But if in addition to sweet and sour, the candy is sticky and chewy, the damage is tripled. These products stick to the tooth surface and are more difficult to remove through saliva. While they are attached to the tooth they are encouraging the growth of bacteria.

Tips for saying goodbye to cavities 

You can consume sweets in moderation and carry out some practices that will preserve the health of our teeth. It should not be forgotten that, in addition, excess sweets cause serious nutritional problems, including obesity.

Good oral hygiene

Oral hygiene is decisive in this task. The dentist can identify the most suitable brush for each person and also the type of paste. Dental floss or floss cannot be absent because it removes the debris that accumulates between the teeth. Together, they minimize the chances of damage.

You need to brush your teeth 20 minutes after consuming sweets, especially if they are acidic. You must wait that time to avoid dragging the tooth enamel weakened by the action of acids. If you can’t brush at the moment, one option is to rinse your mouth with water until you can go to the toilet. This will momentarily stop the action of the acids.

Xylitol to eliminate acidity

If there is an overdependence on sweets, one option is sugar-free gum. They have sugar alcohol called xylitol, which counteracts bacteria. In this way, and just like if you eat a piece of cheese or drink a glass of milk, excessive acidity will be neutralized.

Sweets cause children to have cavities

Go to the dentist

An annual visit to the dentist, or preferably every 6 months, will be of great help to maintain optimal oral health. The specialist can detect signs of a disease or provide advice to keep the teeth in perfect condition.

You can treat yourself from time to time, the important thing is not to make the consumption of sweets a habit. Trinkets and cavities can go hand in hand if you don’t take some precautions. If you avoid excessive consumption, you preserve dental health and also your weight and that of your children.

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