If Sincerity Were A Person, It Would Be A Child

A mother never ceases to be amazed at the incredible sincerity that her son frequently displays.
If sincerity were a person, it would be a child

“If sincerity were a person, it would be a child.” When a mother reads this sentence, she has no doubts. She smiles when she remembers the antics of her son, who at some time will have made her laugh hilariously for a long time and also on some occasion, and because of so much sincerity, he will have gotten her into some trouble.

When a child smiles, when a child throws his arms at you, when a child takes a cart or a doll in his hands to build his world, or when a child says something, he follows the designs of his heart.

And being true to your heart is a feat only the brave accomplish. It takes courage to always tell the truth, to be honest.

The sincerity of a child is not only limited to the words – although yes, it is true that children tell the truth so naturally that it is often funny – the sincerity of children is also expressed in their actions.

When a child spontaneously kisses a stuffed animal it is because he wants to give it love and does not even care if the stuffed animal responds or not. He gives without expecting anything in return. He hugs because it is born to him, he cries because he is expressing his feelings, he does not pretend, he is authentic.

And although the sincerity of children is admirable, it is also important to know that many learn to lie from a very young age to please or to avoid problems.


Spontaneous sincerity

Sincerity and spontaneity are sisters, which explains why so much sincerity comes from the lips of children, their minds do not plot what they are going to pronounce, not even for a moment, they just say it, period.

That is why more than one mother will remember with a blush on her cheeks that phrase that her son said and that surely put her in a bind. However, adults can understand that children’s words are not loaded with evil and that sometimes even if the truth is painful or uncomfortable, it is the truth and having access to it is always a blessing.

“I stopped smoking thanks to my nephew”, Aura Rosa Castillo, a woman in her 40s , confesses resolutely, who in the middle of a conversation reiterates that children are the most sincere people in the world.

One fine day Aura Rosa’s nephew refused to hug her because her clothes were impregnated with the smell of cigarettes. The boy approached her and told her that she smelled bad and that is why he did not want to hug her. This situation so disenchanted this woman that it motivated her in one go to quit smoking.

The boy’s sincerity helped her improve her quality of life, and since she made that decision she has received all the hugs in the world, most of them come from her nephew.


Free and sincere children

Children’s minds are free and so are their souls. That mind is not prey to concepts, it is not full of grudges, so it is free to love, it is not full of lies, poses or falsehoods, it is honest, it is sincere.

And certainly, when it comes to voicing opinions, children are the most sincere in this world. If you still don’t believe it, ask him something or have a long conversation with him.

More than once, your child’s spontaneous sincerity will have made you laugh out loud. It is natural for behavior that is not pretending to be charming.

Living continuously with a child leads to all the moms in the world agreeing when someone tells them: if sincerity were a person, it would be a child, because for them there is no truer sentence than that. “Definitely, the children are very sincere, there is no doubt,” say some mothers.

Children's antics make us laugh

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