Tips To Help Your Child Connect With Nature

Tips to help your child connect with nature

Let it be and be with her, that is the most sincere advice that any mother or teacher with enough experience can offer you to help your child connect with nature. Let him be in contact with her, run freely in a field, wet his hands in a river or in the rain and lose himself in the intimate fusion that invites to look at the starry sky.

Children have an advantage over us adults simply because they are not too complicated, they are not worried about paying the bills, showing off an expensive suit or why the neighbor will say about them. They are usually very entertained discovering the world that opens before their eyes like a fan full of adventures.

So the best thing we parents can do to help them connect with nature is to allow them to be in contact with it. Not all of us are lucky enough to have a house in the country or on the beach or a large patio where the baby can plant and play with dirt, but there are always possibilities, even if you live in a small apartment in the center of a congested city. And if this is your situation, there will always be a small or large park a few blocks from where you live where the child can be free and connect with all the nature that surrounds him.

Let your child play with dirt, let him turn black for having handled so much, nothing bad will happen to him, (nothing that a good bath cannot solve) on the contrary, he will feel with his hands, and if you allow it with his feet, the heat that the earth emanates and also its warm humidity. That temperature that makes life sprout from it, that plants germinate that not only serve as ornament but also as food.

The simple act of playing with dirt creates a great connection between the child and nature. A great interest awakens in him to meet the instructive Mother Nature.

Being outdoors connects you with happiness

Your child, like all children, is a pure being, who came to this world without any complex or prejudice implanted in his rationing and it is mainly these virtues that make the child connect with ease and ease with nature. She always has open arms to welcome anyone who approaches her in search of learning, knowledge or simple distraction.

If your wish as a mother is for your child to have respect and care for nature, allow him to participate in an activity that involves things like planting trees, cleaning beaches, rivers or forests. Take the opportunity to take a family outing and let the child observe that it is possible to work as a team for the benefit of nature.

Try not to end this experience until there, if the child planted a tree, take it every so often to observe the progress of their effort, if they went to clean up a river or beach, reward them with a good bath at the end of the task. You will see that a smile will be painted on your little baby’s face!

Let nature be your teacher

If you have adequate space at home, propose creating a family garden and assign your child one or more tasks, care and specific functions with respect to the garden.

He can be the “second in command” when it comes to caring for the garden, this will encourage him to be responsible, observant and consistent. If you can be sure of something, it is that he will never forget everything he will learn through the garden and if you want to see him really happy, just wait for the moment when he gathers the first fruits of the harvest, at that moment he will see the reward of his care and dedication.

If you are a mother who is not afraid to take her backpack, her tent and some provisions to spend a weekend on the outskirts of the city, in the field or in the mountains, do not be afraid to take your child with you, she will thank you in the future.

He will not tire of remembering throughout his life the beautiful moments shared by your side while observing the open, clean and starry sky, away from the light and sonic pollution that congested cities have, pollution that little by little has taken us away from the beauty of nature to impose cement and large buildings and industries.

Whichever place you have chosen to start the adventure of connecting your child with nature, try to leave all electronic devices at home such as a phone, tablet or laptop, contrary to this you can take a kite for the child to run wide stretches of ground and breathe clean, fresh air. Remember that what you are looking for is to disconnect it from the artificial, from what distracts its attention to focus on more natural and genuine things like those offered by the vast mother nature.

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