Teach Your Child To Know The Environment

How can you help your child to live in harmony with the environment? We will tell you.
Teach your child to know the environment

Teach your child to know the environment because only by knowing it and taking an interest in it will he learn to take care of it. The child you educate, like everyone else, must learn to live in harmony with their environment to make the dream of ecologists and all humans who care about planet Earth come true: to achieve sustainable development that makes us evolve but that preserves all forms of life.

Of course, to explain this to your child you first need to review some knowledge, right? That is why we have decided to write this article on the subject.

What is the environment?

The first thing you need to know is that the environment is not only nature.

The word nature comes from the Latin word “natura” and means the course and natural character of things. When we talk about nature, we refer to the organisms that inhabit our planet:

  • Plants and animals.
  • Non-living forms, such as rocks and waters.
  • Phenomena like the weather.

Even today there is a wrong theory that nature is synonymous with the environment. But as we tell you, the concept of the latter is broader. In addition to everything that nature groups together, the environment includes our culture, the personal relationships that human beings establish with each other and with the environment, our behavior and actions towards society, as well as the damage or care that we provide to the world. natural.


Let’s take an example:

The elevation of the temperature, the variations of the rainy and drought seasons, the changes in the habits of many species of animals, the melting of the ice, the irregular occurrence of meteorological events, and the rise in sea level, are phenomena that are part of the environment.

Many of them occur by natural processes that through the years have made evolution possible. But others were and are caused by us with our harmful habits of life.

Knowing this and having taught it to your little one, you can go on to explain how it is possible to protect the environment.

How can the environment be protected?

The environment can be protected in a number of ways. Many of them right now are getting out of your hands and those of your child, among the most important we can mention you:

  • Achieve the use of food production systems regulated by environmental standards that avoid the use of chemical substances.
  • Do not increase the depth at the plow to preserve the topsoil.
  • Reduce visual pollution that is revealed by the saturation of constructive buildings and that above all is detrimental to the psychological well-being of the human being.
  • Improve the fertility of the land with the application of compost.
  • Reduce emissions of polluting gases into the atmosphere (carbon dioxide and methane) that increase global warming and the greenhouse effect, influence the irregularity of meteorological events and change the climate.
  • Attenuate the noise pollution caused by noise at high decibels that affect people’s hearing, cause insomnia and psychological discomfort.
ecological awareness

What can you and your child do for the environment?

But there are many other measures that can be applied at home and in all the places that you and your child frequent, which directly help to preserve the environment. Among them you must teach him to:

  • Make rational use of natural resources such as water.
  • Save electricity to reduce the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal.
  • Recycle biodegradable materials and thus reduce the volume of garbage.
  • Do not throw waste into fresh water sources to avoid contamination.
  • Plant trees.
  • Protect the animals.

Teach your child to know the environment

Mom, tell your son that for the good of everyone around the world, today, new inventions and scientific advances are coming to light that provide us with alternatives to continue maintaining our quality of life without harming the environment. Thus, concepts such as agroecology and permaculture were born and put into practice, energy is generated using the benefits that nature offers us such as the sun, wind, the force of waves, etc.

New knowledge and intelligences are emerging all over the globe that are struggling to preserve life. From now on, work on making sure your child is one of them.

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