Should I Be My Child’s Teacher?

Should I be my child's teacher?

When asked, should I be my child’s teacher? In you are mom we answer: Of course.

Be your child’s teacher in whatever way you can. It does not matter if your knowledge is not always optimal.

Your son will already have trained teachers at school who teach him better, but it is worth a lot that each mother and father educate their child in some way from home.

The role of the family in the education of minors

The family is the first school of man. As soon as the baby is born, his parents begin a series of teachings that will help him behave as a human being.

Mom and dad are responsible for the child learning to sit, crawl, talk, walk, run, eat, bathe alone … among many other skills.

But also at home the child is taught how to behave when he is away from home, talk to other elderly people and interact with his friends.

Good education starts from home.


Rules of good education to teach the child

Mom, you should know that there are rules of good education that your child learns at home.

As much as the teachers in school dedicate themselves to instructing and educating him, he reaches his school stage with a good or, failing that, a bad training.

From his birth until he entered school, he had enough time to imitate the behavior and ways of thinking of his parents.

Reviewing all the rules of conduct that a child must follow in you are mom, we offer you a brief summary.

They will help you introduce your little one to the good habits that he should follow from now until his adulthood.

Pay attention.

Your child should learn to:
• Offer apologies when necessary
• Say good morning,… afternoon,… night
• Give thanks
• Be tolerant of others
• Always ask for things “please

• Never be dirty. Being clean and having a good physical appearance should become a rule for him
• Avoid scandals and arguments in public
• Listen attentively to those who speak to you
• Apply the rules of courtesy
• Speak in a low voice or in a moderate tone. Avoid yelling, especially when indoors
• Do not gesticulate excessively while talking
• Cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze, preferably with a handkerchief
• Do not tell lies
• Behave properly when visiting another place. Remain calm, sit or play as directed
• Be kind
• Pay attention to and respect older people
• Do not throw litter where it should not be. Protect the cleanliness of both your home and your community
• Be human with everyone
• Never hurt or kill animals


• Do not use bad words in your vocabulary or offend others
• Give the seat to girls and older people
• Practice the rules of etiquette at the table. It does not matter if, due to their young age, these are summarized in holding the cutlery as well as possible and eating with their mouths closed. From the moment the child shares dinner with the family, they must learn to behave as well as possible
• Give affection to those around them
• Do not interrupt others, especially when it comes to conversations between older people
• Be careful with everything, both with your belongings as the common good
• Be helpful to others

Should I be my child’s teacher?

Yes, and more than the teacher, you must be your child’s educator.

Keep in mind that putting the rules of good education into practice makes it possible for your child to have a good coexistence and relationship with his peers both now and in the future.

Good manners make us live in harmony with others and behave as civilized beings.

Remember that they must accompany your child in any setting, even at home and they must become a habit; not rules to put into practice only when in front of strangers.

Mom, also teach your son the bad things in the world, because he will have to face it, whether you want to or not.

Show him the greed, the violence, the drugs … and let him know why and how he should stay away from them.

Talk to him about the danger of procrastination, the importance of studying and preparing for life, how much he must love his family and everything you think will help him to become a good man or woman.

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