Renacuaja Patrol And Other Ways Of Traveling With Children

A different way of traveling so that adults and children can enjoy the city of Salamanca.
Renacuaja Patrol and other ways to travel with children

Family trips are always great plans. These invite you to enjoy quality time together and thus be able to enjoy your children for a few days. In addition, with each trip, you will be enriched by everything that the city or cities you visit can offer you.

As great as taking a family trip can be, many are reluctant to do so because they think it can be boring for children. Against this, more and more cities encourage children to discover the city in a different way.

Today, specifically, we are talking about the new initiative that Salamanca has wanted to include since January so that adults and children can learn about the city’s heritage in a fun and entertaining way for children.

La Patrulla Renacuaja SA and the Mystery of the Shadow 

Salamanca is a city rich in cultural heritage. Each one of the streets of its historic center invites you to enjoy it. Numerous buildings, statues and other monuments make up one of the most charming Spanish cities.

Casa de las Conchas and Clerecía, two of the places to visit in Salamanca thanks to the Renacuaja Patrol.

Within family tourism, Salamanca is already the eleventh most chosen national destination to travel. For this reason, the Salamanca City Council has not wanted to put children aside and has created a fantastic game so that they too can discover the wonders of this city, in their own way.

The game mixes printed and digital elements from the beginning, as the Salamanca Tourist Information Office will offer you a brochure that includes audiovisual content through a QR code with which to discover the different tracks around the city.

Superheroes, keys to the search for clues 

One of the protagonists of children’s literature and movies that children like the most are superheroes. And, how could it be otherwise, these are the protagonists in this game to discover Salamanca. The Renacuaja Patrol will be made up of four fun characters:

  • Captain Galindo.
  • Supercelestine.
  • Doctor Churriguera.
  • Professor Nebrija.

Without realizing it, children will be discovering four key characters in Salamanca’s history before even starting their visit to the city. In addition to these funny characters, they will also have the chance to meet Honorato Farinato, a reporter and youtuber from Salamanca who will help them in their searches.

How do you use the Renacuaja Patrol game? 

As we have said before, through a brochure and audiovisual content,  the little ones will discover clues with the help of the characters, which are distributed by the most emblematic monuments of the city.

Salamanca Cathedral and river Tormes.

The plot of the game is that a mysterious shadow haunts the city of Salamanca. She also begins to steal things from the different monuments, such as, for example, the name of the statue of Fray Luis de León, located on the façade of the University. In this way, the children will know the name of the statue, as well as small important facts about the University.

A very complete activity that even offers the possibility of taking two different routes, thus favoring children’s decision-making to follow the path they choose. One of the routes even includes a visit to several closed spaces with the aim of being visited on rainy days or with very high or very low temperatures.

As can be seen, the Salamanca City Council has thought of all the details so that adults and children truly enjoy the city when visiting it. In addition, the possibilities of the game do not end here, since even children can enjoy and know the different means of transport in the city.

Thus, public buses and bicycles, the tourist train that runs through the city or the boats on the Tormes river that invite you to take a walk along it are also included in this fantastic initiative.

In this way, parents can take a parallel tour of the city with them and enjoy together. To end the game, each child will receive a gift bracelet, which will make them always remember their trip to the city of Salamanca.

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