Have You Had A Bad Day? 11 Tricks Not To Pay It With Your Children

In everyday life, with daily stresses, a bad mood at home can lead to unwanted moments and situations. There are some very practical tricks to prevent work or personal stress and anxiety from being triggers for bad times at home.
Have you had a bad day?  11 tricks not to pay it with your children

It often happens that we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by anger and stress; thus, many times overcoming the bad mood is a complicated task. Have you had a bad day? These tricks for not paying it with your children will improve the family atmosphere and promote pleasant moments.

If when we get home the child or adolescent has not done homework yet, we can get irritated. If he does not want to eat or has a tantrum, we are very likely to lose control. It also happens when we spend many hours dealing with the little ones. We know that we should not yell at or mistreat them, but sometimes we can exploit and pay for it with our children.

All this is enhanced if we come from a busy and tense day at work. Take it easy: here are some suggestions for dealing with this situation.

Basically, everything is a matter of self-control and focus on goals. If we are clear about what we want from our children, it will be easier to reach the goal. That they eat, that they do their homework or that they wash are situations that can trigger a brawl if we do not know how to deal with them.

11 tricks that will help you not to unload a bad day on your children

If you’ve had a bad day, these tricks will help you avoid paying for it with your children. In the face of increasingly frequent stress attacks, you need to stay in control. A diaphragmatic breath is a good start; Taking air through the nose and expelling it through the mouth oxygenates the brain and relaxes us.

Simultaneously, try to acknowledge that you are in a bad mood and why. Once the cause has been identified, looking for a solution is ideal. If morning skirmishes have to do with everyone being late to go to school, getting up earlier will be the corrective.

Stress is one of the factors that affect hyperprolactia.

The personality is theirs and the values, ours

It is important not to impose your criteria if it is not necessary. It may be better to focus on her doing chores and not on a bathroom, which can be done later. If you want to share ideas at the table with your children, allow them to express themselves, to speak, do not insist that they stay still.

If your child doesn’t have good handwriting, don’t insist; if he is not punctual or sociable, either. Don’t try to mold it into your image and likeness; remember that it has a personality and a life of its own.

If you constantly force yourself, you will have fights that will only give you a bad day. The eagerness to impose your values ​​on them usually does not have positive effects.

Disconnect and acknowledge your limitations

Before arriving at the house, or already in your home, it is best to look for solitude and isolation spaces that allow you to calm down and relax. Listen to your favorite music or just close your eyes and rest.

If the children are safe and the couple at home, this will be easier; use cold water towels on your face to lower tensions.

Recognizing your own limitations will make the task easier. It is difficult to stand out simultaneously as a mother, as a housewife, a worker and in the kitchen. At some point it can collapse if it is not clear how far it can go.

Alone or with them

To prevent tensions, it  is convenient to dedicate personal spaces, at least once a week, to share with friends, relatives or practice sports. Away from the stress of work or home, enjoying those moments of relaxation will provide you with satisfaction and personal well-being.

It is also necessary to share with the children. Making these moments frequent and of quality will minimize the confrontations, will make them closer and more capable of understanding each other.

Ask for forgiveness, don’t disqualify

Apologies or requests for forgiveness will be welcome if, in the end, you can’t control your bad mood. It is convenient for the child or adolescent to understand what triggered the anger attack and not feel guilty.

The displays of affection are essential for the sociability of the little ones.

It is essential to avoid disqualifications against your children. Phrases like “You don’t do anything well”, “You are useless” or “You are useless” do a lot of damage and do not provide any benefit. Instead of understanding why his mother is upset, he will believe that he is responsible for all the ills, which will have repercussions for the future.

Parents, an example for their children

Children will generally follow their parents’ example ; what we do today, they will do it tomorrow. If we yell at them or mistreat them, they will do it with their children. If we despise or accuse them, the same will happen in a few years.

In any case, it will always be possible to start over. Take a break, reflect on when you’ve had a bad day, and relax in some way. The benefits will be palpable and you will feel much better about yourself.

No one can raise good children screaming

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