What Is Belly Painting?

Bellypainting is an increasingly used technique among pregnant women. It is based on painting the belly for the celebration of the babyshower or a set of photographs.
What is belly painting?

The baby shower are increasingly fashionable and include all kinds of decorations, including the belly painting . Did you know him? It is a trend with a great boom in recent years whereby pregnant women paint their tummy. It is usually done for a photoshoot in a professional studio.

Belly painting : painted bellies

If we literally translate the word belly painting it would be something like ‘painted belly ‘, but the term is not used in Spanish but in English. The belly of a pregnant woman generates tenderness and attracts attention, so what better way than to use it as a canvas? Its decoration is increasingly fashionable during the celebration of the baby shower –  pre-birth party – and even in  both professional and home photo sessions.

The belly painting  is therefore a practice that besides being saved fun is perfect for a nice memory of this stage. Many moms do professional photography sessions to remember this beautiful moment and then proudly show it to their children so that they can see how beautiful their belly was when they were inside their belly.

Belly painting, the art of painting the belly
Image from bellypainting.es

This current consists of drawing those designs that she prefers and that are related – in most cases – with the moment she is going through or with a special moment of the parents. Sometimes they are simple drawings made by the youngest children and at other times they are more sophisticated paintings. With toxic-free materials so that the mother does not have any type of concern and can enjoy the moment.  

It is worth noting that the paints used are natural and that artistic make-up is sometimes used that can be easily washed off with water.  Of course, it is not harmful to the mother’s skin or the baby’s health, as we will explain later.

A perfect memory

A belly painting session can take one or several hours and everything will depend on the design that is decided. In many cases the name of the boy or girl is written and a drawing related to it is made. If you want it to be professional, you can hire a body painting professional —the art of painting any part of the body— who is also dedicated to pregnant women.

In addition, many women choose to hire a professional photographer for that moment, even one who portrays the design step by step. Having a photo book of that day is undoubtedly a beautiful memory that you can then show your child when he grows up. If you don’t want to have them on paper, you can always save them on a disk and just print one, the one you like the most and put it in a frame.

Frequently asked questions about belly painting

If any of your friends has already enjoyed this experience and you want to do the same at the baby shower  or at another time, you will surely have some doubts about this technique. These are some of the most frequent:

1. What are the benefits of belly painting ?

A session offers a positive effect for the pregnant woman due to the simple fact that the contact with the brushes is very relaxing. In addition, the baby will feel pampered and calm. It is a relaxing and special moment for both the mother and the baby in the womb.

2. When can you do belly painting ?

It is recommended to do it between six and eight months, since the belly is more prominent at that stage and there is still time for delivery. But it will depend on the tastes of each woman. Something that some pregnant women do is interesting: paint their tummies every month to show their growth. Others take advantage of this technique to inform relatives of the baby’s gender.

Painted belly pregnancy bellypainting
Image from bellypainting.es

3. Is it safe for the baby?

Many mothers do not want to do belly painting as they think it will be toxic to the baby or to their own skin. However, the makeup and paints that are used are natural, even suitable for vegans and cruelty-free, as we have mentioned above. 

So if you want to enjoy a painted and beautiful pregnant belly to have a wonderful memory, do not hesitate to contact a professional who can do a good job for you that you will never forget.

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