How To Avoid Swearing?

Swearing or rudeness is often frowned upon on most occasions. In fact, it is a custom that children should not follow. We give you some tips so that you learn how to deal with this situation.
How to avoid swearing?

Many parents increasingly complain that their children swear from a very young age. This usually happens because children imitate the things of the people they love the most on this planet: their parents. There are many fathers and many mothers who say bad words without realizing it and later, it is the children who imitate the words thinking that it is not so bad to say them.

How can it be bad to say a bad word if the parents say it practically every moment? If you really want your children not to swear, then the most important thing is that you set a good example for your children and don’t say them first. In order to create a good role model without saying words, you must learn how to avoid saying them.

The moment you do not swear your children will know that this type of foul and obscene language is unacceptable for you and they will not say them as often and they will even stop saying them, even if they say or hear them in another context in their group of friends. . But how do you avoid swearing? In You are Mom we are going to give you some keys that will come in handy for you.

Recognize that swearing can be annoying

mom yelling at her child to discipline him

Besides being annoying, it can make the people around you uncomfortable, including your children. Sometimes swearing can seem funny, easy, sincere, forceful, it can make you believe that you are being more expressive, you may feel that you are breaking the rules or that somehow the swearing is helping you to redirect your anger and your pain .

On the other hand, the negative effects of swearing can be much greater than the positive ones. You will never win an argument if you swear because you are losing credibility and showing your inner instability. Swearing doesn’t make you smarter, quite the opposite. That’s what you show your kids every time you say little words in front of them. Recognize that swearing is not a good option.

Eliminate swear words from your vocabulary

Imagine that an adorable and old woman to explain something about her life to you only emphasizes her arguments with offensive adjectives. That doesn’t make it more descriptive, does it? It also doesn’t help you understand it better.

It is better to start eliminating the swear words from your vocabulary or you can even substitute other more neutral words to channel the frustration, such as: ‘Wednesday’. 

Think positive

If you start to look on the positive side of things, your language will also be influenced by your thinking … and your children will always see the glass as half full instead of half empty. Develop a can-do attitude. Worry only to the point where you can prepare to solve the problem, and then always hope for the best.

A positive mental attitude will almost automatically eliminate bad words from your vocabulary, but it will also bring you joy and happiness and your personality will be much clearer than before. Flood your thoughts with good words and your language will change. You will appreciate it.

Practice patience

If you are in a traffic jam or something is making you nervous and you think you are going to lose your patience, then give yourself a few more minutes. Be honest with yourself about things and ask yourself about the things that bother you … if they really are important enough to lose your patience. If you are not in control of the situation, why get impatient? And if you have it, why bother?

Stop the complaints

Complaints can be the prelude to swearing because they are a clear sign of frustration. Before you start complaining, think that no one wants to hear your complaints. Avoid complaining about trivial things, remember that you have no control over most things that happen.

If there are things that you do have control over, then find the solutions you need … but calmly and without swearing. In this way, others, and especially your children, will admire your common sense, your wisdom and you will also feel calmer in the face of things that used to make you curse and swear.

Stopping swearing is a daily job, if you ever miss a curse in front of your children, you should be responsible for your actions. Therefore, if you accidentally miss a curse, apologize to your children and tell them that you will try not to make it happen next time.

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