Playing As A Family Has Benefits For Everyone

Playing as a family has benefits for everyone

Playing as a family stimulates from the smallest in the house to the oldest. Not because grandpa’s gray comb or bald comb should be left out of the fun. As play awakens the spirit and fuels creativity, today we bring you some activities to share on the weekends, or in the evenings when the family has a chance and gets together to hang out.

These games are designed to foster skills in children and provide them with new lessons. For adults, they serve as a distraction, keep mind and body active, and reminisce about their childhood days. For the whole family they are ideal, strengthening the bonds of love and rapport between the members.

Putting together puzzles to develop the mind

Putting together puzzles is an educational hobby that stimulates children’s cognitive abilities. With them, young children develop fine motor skills and spatial intelligence every time they take the piece and try to place it exactly where it belongs.

Likewise, the diversity in colors, shapes, landscapes, figures, symbols, people, constructions, animals, elements of nature and numbers, help them to learn what things in the world around them are like and relate them in some way. to the point of making them close.


Puzzles or puzzles are yesterday’s games that stimulate concentration, memory, equanimity, patience and relaxation. These last three characteristics make them ideal, above all, for hyperactive children.

They are used to develop logic and practice planning strategies : an exercise that both children and adults can use, for example, to train in decision-making and problem solving.

The hiding place to exercise the body

Playing hide and seek is a lot of fun. If the house is large and has a lot of furniture that forms little corners all over the place, hiding inside it is great.

Its benefits?

Laugh, share with the family, feel that the heart beats strong every time we are about to be surprised and exercise the body whenever we rush to hide or run to home plate when they discover us.

Soap bubbles to encourage creativity


Making soap bubbles is a hobby that, in addition to distracting, can be quite educational. You just have to stimulate the creativity of the members of the household and each one makes their own tube to blow.

If you want to instill the need for recycling in your family, we invite you to use toilet paper rolls in this company.

For that, they only need cardboard rolls that have already run out of paper, as many, as family members want to participate.

Also look for scissors, preferably a plastic scissors without a sharp point. It is always good to prevent accidents.

Instruct everyone to make a perpendicular cut at one end of the roll. Next, ask them to insert one of the parts resulting from the cut into the other, in such a way that the tubes become narrower on that side.

When they have this ready, they must wrap that part with adhesive tape so that it does not lose its shape.

In order to make the support beautiful, they can paint it with brightly colored watercolors, make drawings of butterflies and flowers, glue previously cut figures … whatever each one wishes.

When you have the finished tube, prepare the soapy solution that you will use to make the bubbles.

Each one of you put your device in the water, blow very gently and Yes! They will have their wonderful, translucent soap bubbles.

To give the activity extra fun, you can play to see who makes the biggest bubble, which one lasts the longest without breaking, or check if it is the child’s or the father’s that reaches the ceiling.

Family creativity exercises lead to collaboration and unity. Whoever gets stuck in a step or lags behind in the explanation should be helped and expected by the rest of the group.

Mom, if you encourage family play, not only children will take advantage of the moment.

Family activities serve to heal wounds, break isolation barriers, forgive, make peace, and foster tolerance and love for the other members of the group.

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