Do We Really Choose The Kind Of Mother We Want To Be?

Do we really choose the type of mother we want to be?

Being a good mother has many variations, but it is not easy to choose what kind of mother to be. Motherhood is an experience that is based on many things, on being supportive, on helping your child to feel protected. Although for your children you are unique, for us, being a mother is a blessing.

Before that little angel arrives to make life happier, we have planned what it will be like. When he arrives, he fills us with many responsibilities that involve his care and well-being, that is why many plans change. We cannot deny that we want to be the best in the world despite our shortcomings.

When you are pregnant you always ask yourself, How will I be with my son? What character will we both have? There is no way of knowing. Being pregnant allows you to reflect on your personality and abilities. You can design a plan to act upon the arrival of the baby, but the reality is different.

During pregnancy you can learn to relate to other people and accept suggestions and advice. This can modify your perception, which is why you end up listening to others more than yourself. Anyway, patience and love grow during that moment.

Choose what kind of mother you want to be

Your children define the type of mother you are

To choose the type of mother we want to be, we can not only base ourselves on how we will be before the baby is born. This goes much further, it is by raising your child, being by his side, correcting him when it is necessary. Help him with things that he alone cannot do, give them a lot of love, that’s what mothers are for.

It defines us as mothers to be the person they want to see. Sharing every day and the way we enjoy our children is not planned. Depending on how you raise your child, you will know what kind of mother you are.

As time passes you learn through them. Your children teach you to be tolerant, peaceful, loving, collaborative, passionate. That often helps to relate to other people in your environment. In other words, personality greatly influences the way you treat your child, that is why it is a reflection of the mother you are.

Whether you choose it or not, this type of mother can be

  • Mother GPS. She is the controller, she and the others are exhausted. They are overprotective, they try to fix everything and for their son it is something negative for the simple fact that he cannot make his own decisions. They do not learn to respect their child’s privacy and independence. They don’t leave much room for them to develop and establish trust between the two of them. These mothers tend to have children who are shy, fearful, or adapt to change.
  • Mother perfection. It is a serious mistake that mothers have this desire to want perfection for their children, it is good, but not so much. This attitude when obsessive can lead to failure. It is preferable that your child makes mistakes in order to encourage him to improve. The types of children are, like her, perfectionists, they do not accept suggestions or advice.
  • The accomplice. It is that mother who is the best friend of her children, it is not bad, since it has the good intention of establishing trust. This type of mother takes advantage of being able to share as much as possible with her children. Although sometimes it is contagious with the lifestyle that they can lead.

This causes that by not seeing that authority figure they become more rebellious. If we have children who do what they want, we do not choose the type of mother we want to be, they do it for us.

However, mothers must and have the ability to raise good people. The plan is for them to be able to make the best decisions. We want them to be the best of friends and hard-working people with a purpose. Although you do not know what type of mother you are, raise your child in a good way, thinking about his well-being both physically and emotionally.

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