Educating Through Ecology Books

Caring for the environment is everyone’s responsibility and must be learned from childhood. To do this, we propose a series of children’s books on ecology.
Educate through ecology books

Every day we see how climate change is affecting not only our lives, but also that of living beings and the nature that we find around us. Each person can contribute small grains of sand through different actions to respect nature. To educate children in this regard, nothing better than using books on ecology and the environment to preserve everything that surrounds us.

Ecology books for children

1. The great book of ecology

These small actions of which we spoke previously are those that are included in this Great book of ecology. Its large pages will make children aware of the importance of respecting the world in which we live and all the resources it offers us without asking for anything in return.

Do not waste water, the rule of the three Rs (recycle, reduce and reuse) or grow plants are some of the actions that this great album proposes to children. The wonderful and detailed illustrations that sometimes even show funny aspects and that will amuse the children, are shown as the ideal complement to the text.

2. Wangari and the Trees of Peace , one of the books on ecology based on reality

An ecology book based on a true story. In this case, we will meet Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan woman who fought against deforestation by leading an environmental movement with which she planted more than 35 million trees in the country.

Educate through ecology books.

Through the pages of this book, the little ones, in a fun and age-appropriate way, will get to know Wangari, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and all his fight to protect the environment.

3. Polar bear, do you know why your world melts?

The title of this book already shows the problems that exist around animals, more specifically, in this case, polar bears and climate change. Children will know first-hand the need to take care of nature and carry out small actions so that living beings such as polar bears do not become extinct and can continue living.

In addition, it is an ideal book to adapt to practically any age. The little ones can observe their illustrations and, as they grow older, begin to understand other more relevant aspects.

More books on ecology

4. My little pond

Previously we talked about educating in respect for the environment and nature from a young age. And this is the goal of this fantastic collection of recommended books for children from one year to three.

First of all, and to ‘lead by example’,  the material with which this book collection is made is cardboard  (both on its inside pages and on the covers). In addition, it is a recycled cardboard.

Second, each of these titles refers to a different aspect related to nature and the environment:

  • The pond.
  • Jungle.
  • The forest. 
  • The mountain.
  • The sea.

The structure of the books is similar in all. Illustrations are of real importance on your pages. Although it is true that in each of them concepts or very short little phrases are included for the child to relate them to their identification.

A fantastic collection dedicated to the little ones that will help them to know in a simple way all the elements related to nature.

5. Lila and the secret of the rain

A delicate and beautiful illustrated album that deals with a story that unfortunately is becoming more real and common every day. Lila is a little girl who lives in a town where it hasn’t rained for months. This rain is very necessary, since if they do not they will lose all the harvest and, consequently, their food and the money that it produces.

Educate through ecology books.

Such is Lila’s concern that she herself decides to carry out a series of actions to make the sun disappear and the clouds and water arrive. Will Lila achieve her purpose?

A fantastic book on ecology that shows us one of the most important parts of it: the importance of water and, therefore, the fact of not wasting it.

6. Three-eyed frog

A three-eyed frog is the protagonist of the story. This unique frog lives in a totally polluted place. So much so, that she is forced to wear a striped suit so that her body does not suffer the dangers of contamination. Tired of always living in the same conditions, the protagonist decides to try to find a solution to her problem.

A wonderful story that will make us realize, both adults and children, the increase in the consumer society in which we live,  without giving importance to what is really essential: how this will affect nature and living beings.

As a curious fact, even the protagonist of the story is chosen with reasons, since frogs are one of the species most threatened by the changes that the planet is undergoing.

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