How To Act When Your Child Makes A Mistake

How to act when your child makes a mistake

It is very important to know how to operate properly and correctly in various typical circumstances of raising a child. One of the key moments is precisely when your child makes a mistake. There it is essential to know how to act to avoid fear of failure or frustration.

Likewise, this is vital to learn because mistakes are what we learn the most. Then, building and building knowledge, lessons, teachings and learning about these mistakes becomes a virtue.

Now, surely you – like all mothers – feel a concern: how to act when your child makes a mistake? Well, in this You Are Mom article we detail how you should react in order to do good to your child. Take note of every tip!

Don’t pound on offensive adjectives

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Take good care of the words you use, as you mark the personality and future of your child. If you simply remain angry at the child’s folly, you will do nothing good with him. Thus, the little one will feel incapable, which makes him more insecure, dependent. Of course, all this only reduces his self-esteem.

As if all this were not enough, with insistent questioning and recrimination you only awaken fears and fears. You increase them. The child does not try any more, for the simple fact that he is easily frustrated. To this is also added the terror of making mistakes, the fear of making mistakes again.

So when your child makes a mistake you just have to mark it with extreme calm. Explain what is the aspect to improve and, especially, acknowledge the attempt. That is the way in which great things can be achieved with the smallest of the house.

Highlight the audacity to try and the effort

This is another key to acting accordingly when your child makes a mistake. Highlight and value the attempt, which is always much more positive than doing nothing. If there were no effort involved, errors would not directly exist. So, at least, it recognizes its positive side.

On the other hand, the idea is to highlight your efforts and sacrifices at all times. Do not be ‘resultists’ that we only see the endings. Evaluate the process, the means. In this way, you teach much more than you imagine to your little sun that illuminates every day with its tenderness and innocence.

Show her how proud you are of how she grows and the new responsibilities she wants to take on. Of course, it is not a question of painting a rosy world for him, because that would also be more than counterproductive. The difference is simply in the way we say things. A little subtlety changes the world.

Teach how to do things in the best possible way

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Taking into account, of course, all of the above, it is then possible to go one step further. With the foundations firm, proceed to teach in the least cruel or traumatic way. How? Nothing more than, after avoiding insults and punishments, having highlighted the positive side and valuing it accordingly, dare to patiently mark the detail.

So, here we teach how to improve what you are encouraged to do. Show how to do things in the best possible way so that it is a success. Temperance, a lot of love and sweetness will be the necessary ingredients for this recipe to be really perfect.

Always remember a great truth that we want to share with you so that you treasure for life. Failure is nothing more than an immense opportunity to learn, to grow. If any project fails, it is not the end of the world for anyone.

In trying until exhaustion is the key

It’s just about trying again and again, so that one day what was difficult will turn out right. It is that mothers and fathers often lose sight of the fact that just a few words can drastically change the future of a child.

If you don’t act accordingly, you will probably destroy your child’s enthusiasm forever. No, that is not the way to motivate and incentivize the boy to improve. The idea is to inspire you, open your mind, shape your patience, increase your self-esteem.

Stimulate self-confidence, strengthen your security, and promote your autonomy and independence. Create a true enthusiastic warrior for tomorrow. Definitely everything depends on you. What do you choose: stay in error, or highlight the love and education of your child?

Give him freedom to learn from his mistakes

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