3 Ways All Mothers Screw Up

3 ways all mothers screw up

No one is perfect and this is known to all mothers on this planet. Even if you were one of those women who wanted to be the perfect mother, you will have realized that it is not possible. Maybe you thought that working, being a mother and having an impeccable house was something totally compatible with having a social life and time to yourself.

No, it is not. Days have 24 hours and in that time we can all screw up from time to time. Don’t worry, we are mothers … and although we are not perfect, it is as if we are.

All mothers keep moving forward and try to feel proud of our children and our lives … and even if we screw up from time to time, we know that we do all the best we know how and for that alone it is already a reason for joy and personal satisfaction .

But the reality is this, we can go wrong from time to time and, you know what? The world does not end, you will always have the opportunity to improve.


Next we are going to tell you some things that could happen to you, because you are a human and a mother, and time, we know that it is a gift that we must learn to take advantage of every day of our lives.

Feeling unproductive when children sleep

Every home has at least one moment in the day that the house is silent: when the children sleep. At this time, when it is night, parents usually have big plans to be able to fulfill and feel adult again. But the reality is that when the children are already asleep, you too will be tired and believe it or not, you will want to go to sleep early.

First thing in the morning is also a time of silence in homes, but getting up too early before the children is not possible either … because you have to rest and recharge your batteries for the new day.

Maybe you can get up a little earlier but don’t expect it to give you time to clean the whole house or prepare meals for the whole week, be realistic with the time you have while your children sleep and thus you will stop feeling unproductive.

Not thinking about dinner

Has it ever happened to you, and maybe more than once a week. It is not your fault, it is the stress and all the responsibilities that working mothers have to do every day.

The ideal is to have time to go to the store and buy fresh ingredients and also have time to prepare a great dinner for the whole family, and also have time to help the children do their homework, bathe them and spend quality time with them. Wow … it seems like too many things to just think about dinner, right?

The most important thing is to have dinner with all the members of the family together, to enjoy this special moment as a family. But there is not always time to prepare the healthiest dinners, and when this happens … you just have to improvise with what you have in the fridge. Don’t feel bad, it’s quite common. Avoid fried foods and foods that are too fatty and that’s it.

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Putting inappropriate content on television when children are in front of them

You cannot control everything that happens on television, sometimes, the programs that broadcast at times when the children are still awake are not entirely suitable for them.

But if you have the controller in hand and accidentally switch or leave a program that seems ‘adequate’, you may suddenly appear images that are not at all appropriate for the age of your children and you have to change quickly. Don’t worry, this wasn’t your fault.

What about the personnel who work in the television networks? They should remember sometimes that there are millions of children in the houses. Although if you want to prevent it from really happening again, then think about which channels to put while your children are in front of the television or watch the guide to make sure it is suitable for all audiences. If you are not very sure /, then it is better not to put that channel.

How have you ever screwed up with your kids? Tell us about your experiences!

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