Tips To Stop Breastfeeding

Tips to stop breastfeeding

To stop breastfeeding a child, or to wean him, as the process is also known, different techniques are often used. Not all children, nor their mothers, are the same. Therefore, the advice that works for one does not work for another. However, at Eres Mamá , we will try to give you the tips that we know so that you can come out of this situation successfully and make neither you nor your child suffer with the change.

Offer first the bottle with breast milk and then the breast

Every time you start the weaning process, we recommend, when it is your turn to breastfeed, offer first the bottle and then the breast.

Your child needs to get used to the bottle but cannot starve ; So, to familiarize yourself and find out that within this new “device” you can find the same milk that you get from your mother, express the milk, put it in the bottle, and give it as the first option.

It is likely that at first he does not want to open his mouth, or reject the gum, but as he proves that the pommel contains his precious milk, he will accept it.

If he doesn’t take enough, then breastfeed.

Perform the same operation each time you need to breastfeed.

mom breastfeeding

Alternate breast-bottle

When you get your little one to accept the bottle, you must go to another stage: alternating it with the breast. As soon as one feed is due, breastfeed, when the other is due, give it the bottle, and so on.

It is essential that the bottle still contains only breast milk.

The milk change

The change of milk should be gradual. Mothers who suddenly stop breastfeeding can have many breast problems.

So the recommendation is to stop breastfeeding little by little. If in principle, when you were adapting it to the bottle, you expressed the milk and produced the same amount as before, when you go to give it another type of milk, your breasts will gradually dry out.

The process, so that both you and your baby do not suffer, must be slow.

We explain.

At this time your little one should already be feeding from both your breast and the bottle and accept the latter without any problem.

So that he practically does not notice the change, you can, in one of those feedings that you give him the bottle, offer him the new milk that his pediatrician has chosen.

At the beginning it will be only one dose a day, but little by little you can replace the rest.

Your child will accept the new milk in the bottle and, to your surprise, will gradually reject your breasts. Take advantage of this moment.

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Tips to stop breastfeeding

Although breast milk is the best food that a baby can receive, as it grows, the time comes when it is necessary to nourish it with another type of milk and detach it forever, from the breast that provided it.

Stop breastfeeding means the end of an emotional encounter like few others. Some mothers get the feeling when they realize that it is time for the child not only to feed on their breasts and to know and assimilate another type of milk, because it will be part of their good nutrition in the future.

Children who stop breastfeeding and do not accept another type of milk later often have significant nutritional deficiencies.

You have to know that milk is considered a complete food. It is an important source of protein, vitamins A, complex B, D and E and provides the body with the antibodies necessary to protect itself from the attack of pathogens.

This food should be supplied especially to children so that it complements their complete and healthy development. Therefore, despite the fact that they no longer receive your milk, you must ensure that your child continues to feed on this precious food.

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