Children’s Hearts Break Too

Children are heartbroken too

Just as adults break their hearts, children break it too, and perhaps more often than we think. It is likely that the reasons that affect us adults in this way are not the same as those of children; however, it is very possible that we are the ones causing this condition.

Many times we treat children as if they do not understand anything that happens around them, or we think that because of their little experience they do not know how to interpret some things. Another reason to break their hearts without realizing it is to believe that they will not remember it or entertain themselves in anything without thinking about what happened.

Without the need for it to be love situations, a broken heart is a feeling that affects people due to the expectations we have about something or someone. When we ditch a child or show a preference for another; we are likely to affect you more than we think.

However, something sad for a mother is seeing her son’s heart break without being able to do much to help him. Depending on the case, this pain can be very deep, difficult to bear and sometimes impossible to forget; That is why it is important to know our children in order to give them comfort.

Heartbreak a heartbroken son

It hurts to see your child’s heart break, but the most important thing is always to be respectful and value their feelings. If it is a breakdown due to a love disappointment, it is advisable not to fall into actions that make you feel belittled; It is not convenient to laugh at their suffering or believe that it is not important.


When a child experiences this feeling for the first time, it is normal that they do not know how to handle it ; you may step back a little, feel dejected and melancholic. However, it is also possible that he becomes somewhat irritable, expresses it violently and is obviously annoyed.

But when we know that the pain is causing certain signs of frustration, our intervention must be very gentle and careful. It hurts to see that your child suffers, especially when he is a child who suffers for love; If you refuse our help, it affects us, but it won’t take long for you to realize that it is what you need the most.

Let our son come to our aid when he feels ready to do so, avoid putting pressure on him and letting emotions win us over. There are many ways to help him, but always keeping in mind that what happens to him is serious and important.

How to help a child whose heart breaks?

Our advice can reach a lot in the little ones who are heartbroken, because to a great extent their pain can be accentuated by the lack of experience to cope with it. Helping them channel their emotions in the right way is part of our responsibility and can be very effective.

It is also a precise moment to teach them to recognize and practice many values ​​such as respect, tolerance, self-esteem and patience; it is also opportune to teach them to be strong. A child’s broken heart can be completely healed, as long as we treat it in the right way and in time.


Other recommendations to help overcome this penalty are the following.

  • Advise your child to talk to you about what is happening to him, this will help him to notice that it is important and there are people willing to attend to his afflictions
  • If the child has access to phones or devices connected to the internet, they may try to express their feelings through messages or on their social networks. In this case, it is convenient to guide him so that he does not comment on his problems by this means, because after his sentence passes, it will not be necessary
  • Let’s teach the child to be self-confident and trust what they are worth, raise their self-esteem and help them act with dignity
  • It is convenient that the news of your disappointment does not leave the family group, because if it were made public, you could suffer some harassment and could be attacked by questions that you do not want to answer
  • Let us respect their silence, space and time to heal. If we know what happens to him, we can wait for him to have his moment of depression however he wants to take it; but without stopping to watch it
  • It is advisable to keep him distracted so that his mood does not drop more than necessary. Let’s take advantage of inviting you to do something that you enjoy
  • If we notice that you are depressed, that you are not making progress in your recovery or you change your behavior in a violent way, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

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