With You I Learned To Find The Deepest Love

By your side, I understood what the word company really means, and I explored loyalty and unconditionality like never before. 
With you I learned to find the deepest love

With you I learned that inhabiting another world and living another life was absolutely possible. You came into my life to completely change routines, habits and even my way of seeing things. You colored my days gray and put music to my lonely and routine days.

Definitely with you I learned to find the deepest love in the simple. In the smallest details a piece of my heart took refuge. I found the treasure of your childhood and you thus became the sweet balm of my being.

With you I learned to find love in the simple

Yes, with you I learned to find love in the simple, where I thought it was not. I understood that small hands could become the object of the most sincere admiration. A sign of purity, I tied myself to your hands, carefully stroking those soft plump little hands.

From that moment, I could see myself surprised by the wonder of being able to contemplate and touch the soles of your little feet, which at that time seemed like a miniature to me. I also confess that counting those tiny fingers over and over again was my favorite hobby.

Mom's hands and baby's hand

I saw myself face to face with my vulnerability and sensitivity when I saw you cry. I felt my infinite healing power when I dried those tears of love. With you I learned that I can be the strongest and bravest woman when it comes to the deepest and most sincere love. Relentless, unconditional.

Together with these wonderful, endearing and incomparable beings I discovered the power of kisses and hugs. I understood that my arms are his world. And each kiss, the best remedy for any type of ailment, be it physical or simply of the heart.

Once I kissed those little noses and their huge cheeks, there was no going back. I died daily from biting into every roll. I felt the purest love expand throughout my body. So much so that I thought I would explode, because so much affection and devotion could not physically fit in me.

When I found myself singing lullabies, I realized that I could not receive the most perfect gift in return. I simply made art to receive that tender smile in return. A grimace capable of becoming its width of swords, and my personified joy.

Much more than meets the eye

Being a mother necessarily implies rediscovering yourself and being willing to learn and relearn over and over again. There is no better teacher than your own child. Boy, cool, helpless and innocent, he has many lessons to teach you. From his hand you will observe your surroundings in a different way. You will begin to detect the deepest love where you never imagined it.

Hands of a mother picking up a baby's foot

With you I learned that my body is an immense container of love. And that my very presence is capable of bringing peace to that little joy through which my world revolves. I appreciated that nature had put in my path a being who depended as much on me as I on him.

You marked a path for me, highlighting my strength. You cut off the vestiges of my most selfish and individualistic side. You shaped me as a woman, you created me as a mother, and you redefined me as a human being.

With you I learned not to fear mistakes, and to give everything for what we most appreciate in this life. I understood the value and weight of childhood. I have given a new meaning to the word happiness. Together with you I found another meaning to live for, to fight for every day.

I learned a lot by your side. Not just about motherhood and childhood. You formed me about life itself and made me face myself. You showed me the value of simplicity. You taught me to love without measures, by filling each of my days with joy. With you I learned to be happy just by feeling the touch of my nose on your cheeks, your warmth, your peach skin and your innocent serenity.

The miracle of life

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