How To Be A Mom And An Entrepreneur At The Same Time

How to be a mom and an entrepreneur at the same time

Today, there are many mothers who would like to start their own business, but feel that having their children can be a much more difficult task for them. Is it possible to be an entrepreneurial mom?

Among the many fears that exist, it is mainly not being able to spend time with your children, but this will not be the case if you prepare correctly and take advantage of resources such as technology.

The question is, can you be a mother and an entrepreneur at the same time? Of course, we will give you some tips so that you can put into practice:

How to be an entrepreneurial mom

1. Being a mom doesn’t stop you from starting a business. Although sometimes we just think about having a business for our children, this is not a reason for not meeting this goal.

We know that being a mother is a physically and emotionally demanding task, but it is possible to undertake, we only need conviction.

2. Always think big. When you want to achieve your goals, always do your best. Although at first you want to start a small business, do not limit yourself, if you have the opportunity for it to grow, do not hesitate to take it.

3. Balance is essential to be able to undertake successfully. We know that starting a business requires time and a lot of our attention, but it is important to have a balance between our personal life and the business, even more so, if we are mothers. Embrace a corporate culture that gives you the flexibility to also serve your family.

4. Technology is a great support for an enterprising mom. The fact of having so many tools to manage our business in a more remote way, allows us to organize ourselves more easily and have great results.

We can do jobs, review documents, communicate with our co-workers in a simpler way and at the same time take care of our children. We must take advantage of this resource at its best.

5. That your businesses have value. In addition to business and money, it is important that our businesses contribute something positive to society and have value. This currently allows companies to grow faster.

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Some companies created by moms

Many mothers between the ages of 25 and 40 have decided to start the adventure of entrepreneurship, achieving successful businesses. If they could do it, any mom could take the initiative.

1. Kikuyu is a brand created by two entrepreneurial mothers. His idea of ​​a baby carrier was taken from African women and the way they transport their children. A really cool and comfortable way!

2. TripTrup, a tourism company created by Natalia Ruíz, mother of three children, who took the idea of ​​her love for travel, to start the company in 2011 with her partner Elisabeth Maragall, owner of a travel agency.

3.  is the company of eight mothers from Barcelona who weave and market their own garments. They work with great courage and conviction.

4. Four mothers, Gloria, Ana, Sara and Mónica gave birth to their Mandarina Garden project  , which is a place dedicated to children, where they can celebrate birthdays, workshops and other activities are organized.

5. Another example of an entrepreneurial mother is that of Lourdes and her company, a second-hand clothing for children. Which was created and is administered together with her husband.

6. Marcela de Hoyo wanted to spend more time with her daughter and for this reason, she decided to create  Baby Essentials,  a childcare firm that facilitates the tasks of mothers.

7. Lucinda Bruce-Gardyne is also an entrepreneurial mom who created   Genius Gluten Free,  a brand of gluten-free products. She discovered that her son was intolerant to this protein and launched her product in 2009.


Do you also want to create your own business but are afraid for your children?

All these moms managed to do it, they only had to manage their time correctly to also tell them, attention to their children.

Mom and freelance worker.  The key to success

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