Newborn Skin Care

Babies’ skin requires certain precautions that not all parents are aware of. Washing, sun and bathing are topics that present recurring doubts.
Newborn skin care

The baby’s epidermis is different from that of an adult; in children, the skin is softer and more delicate. For this reason, the care of the newborn’s skin is very important. In this article we will tell you the precautions we must take to avoid irritations.

Newborn skin care and advice

Taking into account that when a baby is born, it is a vulnerable organism in every sense, we understand that this includes its skin. Yes, the largest organ of the body is delicate during the first months of life and therefore certain cares must be taken into account, such as the following to be mentioned:

1. Clean with mild soap

In pharmacies and stores there are many options for ‘baby soaps’, but we can also use the common neutral or glycerin. Consult with your pediatrician to confirm which ones he considers most appropriate. Do not opt ​​for soaps with perfumes or too acidic pH.

Also, remember that during its first days the baby cannot bathe completely;  you must wait for the umbilical cord to fall off. Meanwhile, you can wipe it with a damp cloth with soap and water.

2. Moisturize your skin

Although it is true that the skin of a baby is more hydrated than that of an adult, when it comes to a newborn it is not necessary to apply any type of cream or lotion, even if they are suitable for children.

At birth, your dermis will be covered by what is known as “caseous vernix”, a layer that protects you. However, it will go away as the days go by and then, it will have fallen completely as soon as you start to bathe it.

At that time is when you should get good specific moisturizing products for babies, both cream and oil. Pay attention to certain signs that can indicate allergies and redness. In that case, discontinue use and consult a doctor.

There are areas that need more hydration than others : the chin, the buttocks, behind the ears or anywhere where folds form.

Newborn skin care helps prevent problems such as dermatitis.

3. Protect it from the sun

One of the main care of the skin of the newborn, even if it is winter. During the first months of life, the dermis does not have enough melanocytes to protect it from the sun’s rays. In addition, there are no creams or protective factors suitable for children under six months.

Therefore, do not expose it to the sun, do not take it to the beach, and if you are out for a walk, cover it completely with long-sleeved clothing and a hat.

4. Don’t bathe him every day

Young babies don’t get as messy as an older child. Therefore, you do not need to bathe him daily. In addition to waiting for the cord to fall off to give it the first bath with all the letters, it is advisable that you only perform cleaning in areas, mainly in summer, since it can perspire a little when sleeping.

5. Give him massages

For our baby’s skin to be even smoother and more beautiful, and also for the bond with him to be perfect, there is nothing better than a good massage session using a suitable cream or lotion. You can do this before you go to sleep at night or when your crying won’t stop, as it will calm you down.

6. Don’t wait to change your diaper

Another care for the newborn’s skin has to do with the area where the diaper covers him. If you don’t change it often — when you have urinated or defecated — you run the risk of diaper rash, among  other problems.

Don’t let too much time go by from when you identify that he has eliminated until you change him. At that time, use special towels to completely clean the dirt, especially in the part of the folds; finally, wait for the skin to dry before putting on a new diaper.

Summer clothing for newborns should be soft, light, and comforting.

7. Choose clothes made of natural fabrics

Anything that is in contact with the baby’s skin can irritate or cause allergies. From the first days of life, we recommend that you wear cotton clothing or any other natural fabric.

It is important that they do not have chemical substances in their preparation , that you wash them with white soap —not in the washing machine— and that you remove labels or seams that may bother you.

If you follow these tips and comply with certain care of the newborn’s skin, you will prevent them from suffering from dermatitis, allergies and any other related problem. Do not hesitate to do everything possible to take care of their well-being.

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