How To Teach Your Children To Be Tidy At Home

It is very important that children learn from a young age that they must keep their things in order. We explain how.
How to teach your children to be tidy at home

Parents want to instill the value of order in the child from an early age. To be successful in this teaching, here are some tricks on how to teach your children to be tidy at home.

Teach the child to grow within the discipline of order, so he will get used to it and make it a habit of life. Explain that being tidy at home is essential for their development. This will help you organize and confront the world you are beginning to discover.

Any time and space is opportune to teach him to be orderly at home. The sooner the child begins to assimilate it the better. In this way, you help him transform his knowledge into qualities and attitudes that will help him develop as a better person.

It is important to teach our children that order is fundamental in life. It is a necessary element for their learning, and in addition to creating good habits for them, it will provide security in their development.

Your attitude and example are essential

sorted at home 2

Set a good example for your child and teach him how to be orderly at home. This is how you are instilling in him the idea that he can’t have it all messed up. Chaos always produces nervousness and makes it difficult to find things. On the other hand, the order transmits calm, favors concentration and helps to think and react calmly.

You can start by showing how to tell them how to store their toys, to put their stories on the shelf … Also not to leave their shoes lying around the room and put them in order, put away dirty clothes or a host of simple activities that will educate your child in the order.

Keep in mind that not every day of the week is the same, but routines are important every day, even if they are flexible. Children will feel more secure and it will be easier for them to organize their things.

Tidy at home: tips to get it

Sometimes parents find it difficult to be patient when the house is in chaos. Do not miss these tips on how to empathize and achieve the goal of keeping everything in order.

  • Avoid adopting an attitude of constant complaint about their disorder. Criticisms never help, in most cases they don’t order because they can’t or don’t know how to do it.
  • Also, do not take the opposite attitude and fall into overprotection, assuming that since he is small he cannot order and you always end up doing it.
  • Until the age of 7 or 8 you will have to give him a hand after playing. This does not mean that he looks at how well you collect everything. But to arrange things together with the child in a pleasant way.
  • Review the toys with your child from time to time and encourage him to give those he no longer uses to needy children, in addition to avoiding accumulating junk, and keeping everything clean. This way you will be giving him a very positive teaching regarding the value of charity.

Since they are small, children have to see the order of the home as something normal, so in their adolescence they will have it fully internalized.   They will understand the commitment to running a home and family as well as learning to collaborate on tasks as part of their responsibility.

Each thing in its place

In addition to keeping the house tidy for aesthetic reasons, it is also necessary to reduce stress levels in the family environment. Order as a habit is something that is built with the day to day, it takes time and effort to achieve it!

Although it is an excellent start to create a positive communication channel, therefore, encourage your children to always leave things in a specific place so that they do not waste time looking for them.

When your children manage to organize themselves in something, no matter how little importance it may have, it is very significant that you reward their effort, in this way they will get used to doing their homework willingly. They will also realize the importance of having a well-ordered home and how good it is for their mental health.

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