Playtime For A Child Is A Must

Below we will tell you why playtime is so important in childhood and how you should act in this regard, for the well-being of the whole family.
Playtime for a child is a must

Quality time is one of the concepts that we must take into account when we want to take good care of our family relationships and, above all, when we have children. 

This concept can be summarized in providing our loved ones with the attention, affection and company they deserve. Let’s stop for a moment and think, what is the use of being in the same place if we are not going to talk or interact in any way? It is worth reviewing the quality of our gestures, the way in which we decide to relate to others. 

The importance of playtime

Today the pace of life, in general, is very fast. On the other hand, technology has managed to affect people’s relationships, even from an early age.

Many times, parents work outside the home and the little time they spend with their children, the attention that is devoted is really poor.

For example, there are parents who, having become accustomed to talking with their children throughout the day, via social networks or by text messages, do not realize that being in the same room as their children, they do not know how to interact without resorting to to the phone, or to other devices. 

On the other hand, when children are young, the playful and recreational aspect is often delegated to electronic devices. Especially television and tablets. In this way, parents believe that they provide them with a better distraction than they can provide and, little by little, they stop trying to do without them.

However, it is necessary to dedicate to the children, day after day, some play time. In this way, we can closely watch over their development and give them the love they need.

To do this, we should not think that it is just another obligation on our agendas, but rather a common pleasure that allows us all to enjoy each other. Let us remember that childhood flies and, therefore, every moment with our children is extremely precious.

Ultimately, playtime helps to strengthen emotional ties, strengthen relationships, enjoy and create a sense of belonging to a solid family group. Likewise, it provides us with well-being, since it helps us to free the mind and brings us closer through a context that lends itself to spontaneity and collective relaxation.

How important is playtime?

Play is the most important activity for children. Children play, not only to have fun or to be distracted, they also do it to learn.

Gambling is not a waste of time, much less a luxury, but a necessity. A child who plays is physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.

It is very important that you keep in mind that the playtime that is NOT spent with the children, is not recovered. Spending quality time is spending time with them and then assuming that they have already had the dose they need.

Playtime for a child is a must.

You can ask yourself the following questions: Do you really listen to your children? Do you know what their needs are? What kind of games do they like?

All right, one thing that will help you is fostering good communication.  It is not so easy when you are tired or when it seems that they are talking about something of little importance. But what seems trivial to you may be very important to them.

Being “quick to hear” means not only paying attention to what your child says, but also how he says it. His tone of voice and body language will give you an idea of ​​what he feels and thinks. Also, don’t forget to ask him questions. Discernment and insight are essential to discover what your child thinks about different topics.

Play time and its benefits

Playtime for a child is a must.

Enjoying quality time brings important benefits to the whole family:

  • Improve family climate and communication.

  • It favors the cognitive and social development of children.

Those of us who have played know that thanks to the game we can become passionate, imagine and do in our own way, but always respecting the game of others and trying to set healthy rules and limits.

We also learned to regulate behaviors, to get away from those who did not like us and to get closer to those who did us good. In other words, we can say that the game brings together the basic ingredients for the proper development of children.

Vygotsky and the psychology of play

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