Why Do Spoiled Children Turn Into Weak Adults?

Why do spoiled children turn into weak adults?

Currently, there is a debate about whether it is right to pamper children too much. Some specialists argue that spoiled children become weak adults. While others assure that it is a normal pattern of today’s society.

An adult who does not know how to make decisions and who fails under pressure, he was possibly a very spoiled child in his childhood.

The ability to take responsibility is associated with character. Many parents try to avoid “bad times for their children.” Therefore, they seek to solve problems or solve problems of the minor.

Children need to learn to resist and work as a team. To be humble and bounce back from failure. These are the defining traits of character.

Spoiling too much can seem like a product of parental frustrations. People with difficult or deprived childhoods tend to be overprotective of their children. At all costs, they seek to give them what they did not have or could achieve.

Age and social patterns

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Another condition of parents who consent excessively has to do with age. Couples today conceive children after 30 years. In some cases, the difficulty of having them or job responsibilities make them more permissive.

It is this “couple of today” that shapes the theory of the pattern of today’s society. They are parents who share their parenting role with professional success. Both responsibilities of both parents require a lot of dedication and a shared effort.

Traits of a spoiled child

 Spoiled children generally have no limits. They are convinced that the world revolves around them. They get used to receiving, without giving anything in return. They do not value parents, because they believe that they are only to please them.

Another common trait of the spoiled child is his inability to act. Faced with problems at school or social pressure, they do not know how to react. They recognize that they have a problem, but they have not been prepared to deal with it.

Frustration comes when they are helpless in the face of what they believe is unfair. They are able to identify what they do not like, but not to change it. Frustration in spoiled children can lead to depressed adults.

Aggression is also a condition that arises in spoiled children. It is a way of reacting to frustration. Hence, the cases of physical aggression by children to parents.

Finally, they are intolerant children, who do not take responsibility for their actions and lack remorse. In some cases, they suffer from anxiety, mood swings, and low self-esteem.

 What to do about spoiled children

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 It is important that children begin to feel independence from the age of 4. Giving them simple responsibilities will help build their character. In addition, they will learn what the reward for a job well done means.

The theory of “cause and effect” is important when setting limits. Children must be taught that every action generates a reaction. This will also teach them to control frustration.

Children must learn that results are not always as expected. The way they face failure will be the attitude with which they take on the challenges of adults. In these cases, it is important to acknowledge and respect your feelings.

One of the hardest tasks is ignoring tantrums. Spoiled children are used to scandals to get what they want. Given this, parents must remain calm and avoid any type of abuse. If the child is granted what he is looking for with the tantrum, the child will establish a cause and effect relationship. You will associate whining and making noise with achieving your goal.

How to say no to a spoiled child

 First of all, mom and dad must play on the same team. Agree on the strategy they will use and do not contradict yourself. Also, they must be consistent with actions and keep their word.

Saying NO should be done from a positive posture. It should begin by reinforcing the positive and then indicating the corrective. Starting the idea with a NO in front of it generates an immediate rejection in children.

When explaining why NOT, parents should be calm and appeal to a soft but forceful voice. Avoid physical contact or aggressive expressions that only contribute to the conflict. The reasons and consequence of the decision must be explained.

The most important thing is that parents stand firm in the face of the refusal. Only then will children know what the limit is.

Ultimately, aging does not reconcile with extremes. Spoiling too much or being too rigid can have the same negative consequences on children. Education must be taught from the base of fundamental values ​​and affection.

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