Encourage Your Child To Do The Homework Charts

Encourage your child to do homework charts

Most parents are very inclined to regard their children as babies, for much longer than they really should. Tasks such as making the bed, picking up their toys or preparing their clothes, are assumed by many parents even when their children are already at an age where they could do them without any problem.

If it is happening to you, far from helping your child, you are harming him with this type of attitude. You are not letting him be autonomous, neither are you letting him grow, learn or be independent.

And perhaps without realizing it you are hurting yourself too, since apart from work and house chores, you do those of the children; And that fills you with stress, the great evil that plagues all overloaded parents.

There is a pedagogical trend that has a method called ” The Montessori Method” , highly recognized and cited by experts in parenting and education around the world, which has as a fundamental pillar to achieve the autonomy and independence of the child. On the other hand, experts, pedagogues and psychologists advocate the same thing: independence in the child.

Some children ages 4 and up are already able to dress themselves, tie their shoes, tidy up their room, set the table, make their bed, and many other simple tasks. But, parents, on many occasions, do not require their children to do these tasks, being they responsible for making the child lazy and little involved with household chores.

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For your child to be responsible, you must first endow him with the ability to be autonomous, to be able to do his homework and do it well. Obviously, you cannot require your 2-year-old to make a bed or a 4-year-old to take the dog for a walk, but everyone at their age can contribute something to maintain the home.

Develop a chore chart with your child

It is very important to take into account things like the age and maturity of the child to demand simple responsibilities or those that are a little more complicated. To give you a better idea of ​​the things or tasks that your child can do, based on the ability they have to do them according to their age, we have developed a list with some tasks that you can ask the child.

Don’t wait too long to act, your child can start today if they are in one of the ages below. You can even design a task table with the suggestions, print it and place it in a visible place in the home, it can also be a kind of schedule that you do with it.

You can meet with your children and discuss with them the responsibilities that each one of them has or how they should help at home.

2 to 3 years

At this age, a child can sort toys, water plants, pick up his clothes, throw things away, eat alone, and save his stories.

4-5 years

At this age, the child can set the table, dress himself, wash and take care of a good part of his toilet, clean up his room and, for example, wash some dishes.

6 to 7 years

Now you can set and clear the table, make your bed, sweep and clean your room, tidy your desk, and pack your backpack for school.

8 years old

An 8-year-old can prepare simple breakfasts, take out the garbage, tend and take care of the pet, sweep some areas of the house, bathe alone.

From 9 to 11 years old

You can already prepare some full meals without help, take the pet for a walk, wash its bathroom, prepare and choose the clothes in which it will go out or take care of a younger brother.

12 years

You can wash and hang some clothes, at this age you can do certain types of household purchases, even start with the basic things of ironing clothes.

How to Get Kids to Complete the Housework Chart

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Getting the child to comply may be, at first, a little difficult task, but it will not be if you are constant and follow these tips:

Positive reinforcement

It is important that you remind your child how well he is doing the household chores with which he is helping. Praising or praising your child’s work will have an incredible impact on him.

Explain how tasks are done

You cannot assume that he has to know how to do something, no matter how simple it is, explain how to store his toys, fold his clothes or wash the dishes. Accompanying and guiding them in household chores is essential.

Be an example

If you are messy, leave your homework for tomorrow or protest every time you go to carry it out, your children will imitate your behavior and become lazy.

Take into account your child’s ability

It is not necessary to follow the suggestions that we have given you to the letter, you can create your own table or list, taking into account the skills and abilities that your child is gradually acquiring and cultivating.

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