Naturalistic Intelligence In Children

Do you know what naturalistic intelligence consists of? As parents we must know how to enhance the innate abilities in our children, and this may be one of them.
Naturalistic intelligence in children

Naturalistic intelligence in children is based on Howard Gardner’s model of multiple intelligences. This proposes dividing intelligence into a set of skills whose levels vary from individual to individual.

Thus, he entered into a dilemma with the basic premise of intellectual measurement based on logical and mathematical reasoning.

Next, we develop the characteristics that are denoted in highly gifted children with this type of intelligence.

What is naturalistic intelligence in children?

Naturalistic intelligence can be described as a particular concentration of skills, more specifically math, logic, and spatial analysis. These abilities enhance each other, and are embodied in a high curiosity for the world.

Children with a high naturalistic IQ go beyond just coming face to face with things; they are capable of making abstractions from them, thereby making deductions about the nature and operation of things.

In addition, they have a high level of order to classify all the data they collect.

There are numerous biology experiments for children.

Their good observation is not limited to identifying and understanding natural and static elements, such as plants and trees, but also to animal species, including the analysis of the people around them.

Their degree of fascination with things is such that  children with naturalistic intelligence can keep themselves entertained by observing simple details, to which many do not pay attention, such as the coordinated work of ants, the flight of birds, an electrical storm, etc. .

This always denotes a charm for all those phenomena or objects present in their environment, and it is not uncommon to see them doing simple but interesting experiments or projects from an early age.

Professions in which people with naturalistic intelligence predominate

Naturalistic intelligence in children can from a very young age determine the professional course that they will follow in adult life, being common trades of people with this type of intelligence and innate curiosity professions such as:

  • Biologists
  • Anthropologists
  • Veterinarians
  • Agronomists
  • Chemicals
  • Physical

And in general, all those scientific disciplines where the phenomena that occur in a certain previously collected sample are directly measured, or analyzed directly as field work.

5 experiments for kids that will blow your mind.

What to do to enhance naturalistic intelligence in children?

Even if born with a high level of naturalistic intelligence, as is the case with any physical or mental giftedness, naturalistic intelligence in children can deteriorate if there are not adequate stimuli to maintain this fitness in shape.

Likewise, children maintain a natural interest in the world around them, which is why naturalistic intelligence is an aptitude whose development is much easier to promote during childhood.

Therefore, here are some tips to enhance the development of naturalistic intelligence in your children:

  • Walks: Walks are one of the few things you can do on a daily basis to enhance naturalistic intelligence in children. If possible, walk your child from home to school and vice versa, this is much more recreational for his mind than a car ride. In addition, it helps you to sharpen your spatial analytical sense.
  • Crafts and toys: The use of paint, glue, clay, leaves or rocks and beach are great for making crafts. Also, chemistry or cooking sets are great for allowing children to safely conduct experiments.
  • Contact with nature: Go camping, excursions, visit the zoo, an aquarium, etc.
  • Simple exploration tools : Exploration tools can provide hours and hours of healthy entertainment for children, increasing their level of naturalistic intelligence in the process. We refer to tools that allow discovering new things in the child’s environment, for example, a simple magnifying glass or an inexpensive telescope.
  • Order and catalog of information: Many children with naturalistic intelligence collect samples, for example, from rocks that are strange to them, leaves, insects, etc. You can use this natural interest in gathering to teach him to keep sort order and information in what he does.

    With the above  , the skills of identification and ranking of the elements present in the child’s environment are encouraged, which in turn enhances the naturalistic intelligence in children.

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