4 Tricks So That Your Child Does Not Scream In Public

Sometimes we go out with our children and they suddenly start screaming. Do not lose patience even if it is complicated.
4 tricks so that your child does not scream in public

There are children who seem to enjoy screaming, but parents can break their patience, especially if they do it in public while people watch in surprise at such a spectacle. What parent hasn’t this ever happened to? Here we are going to see some keys so that your child does not scream in public.

On these occasions when children scream, you may feel the need to cover their mouths so they don’t keep screaming . This would be detrimental, since you would be contributing to learning, which would later complicate the work of educating.

On the one hand, you would be assuming that he is unable to stop screaming on his own. On the other hand, you would imply that it is okay for someone stronger to force others to do things. Remember that children imitate their parents’ behavior.

What to do so that your child does not scream in public?

We have already seen that covering the mouth is not a good solution, so this is totally ruled out. Here we are going to look at four key steps to stop your child from yelling.

Boy screaming full of anger in public.

Immediately stop what you are doing

If your child starts crying and screaming, as a parent, you should stop whatever you are doing to pay attention to the child. What can happen to it? Snack time and hungry? Have you gotten angry about something? Could harm be done? These are some of the questions you can ask yourself to get an idea of ​​the situation the child is in.

Crouch down to get level with the child and look him in the eye

Crouching down and getting at the child’s height, looking into his eyes, makes the little one feel cared for, appreciated and important. Thus, parents can better analyze the situation, attending to their child to see what is happening. The solution may be easier than it sounds; it is just a matter of observing and analyzing.

Keep calm, quiet and observe

When you are faced with this situation, the best thing you can do is try to be calm, smile at your child and lower the volume of your voice. This will serve as an example for your child, and if you speak softly, they may stop yelling so they can hear you.

Sing to him at a low volume

When the child is heartbroken, you can sing some of his favorite songs, but quietly. The little children, when they hear it, will be quiet in order to hear it, so choose their favorite song well and sing.

The fundamental trick so that your child does not scream in public is patience

These four tricks or steps can be carried out anywhere, but you must bear in mind that, if the situation is creating anxiety or stress for the child, it is important to take it from there. If you cannot leave the place where you are (train, plane, etc.), what you can do is take him and whisper nice things in his ear to try to relax him.

In the event that you can move, you will; Children, in these moments, need our love and affection, what the people around us think should give us the same. We look after the well-being of our child, not that of those around us at that time. It is important that you are clear that you do not want your child to scream because of the fact that he has a bad time, not because he bothers those around him.

Children need and trust their parents, so if you follow these steps, they may end up calming down sooner. This does not mean that in some situations, no matter how much parents know what to do, the moment overflows us and we can do things that we later regret.

Trick to try to calm down and solve the situation

  • Once the situation has calmed down, you have to explain to the child that you have said or done something that you regret and that he probably did not like it either.
  • You will ask for their opinion on what they think you can do to find another way to calm yourself when you find yourself in that situation, especially if it is an older child.
  • When you have decided how you will try to help him control his behavior, when it is not appropriate, you should practice.
  • As in everything, the more you practice it while being calm, the better its effectiveness will be when it is not calm.
    What to do so that your child does not scream in public?

On tricks to keep your child from yelling in public

We have already seen the four steps you can take so that your child does not scream in public, but not at home either. This works in all contexts where this type of behavior occurs. In these situations, the main thing is to be patient, and think that tantrums, crying and screaming are part of the normal process of developing children’s emotions.

You have to be tolerant and understanding; they cannot be expected to learn the first time. The job of parents is to be clear and kind to your children and to yourself.

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