Healthy Recipes With Summer Fruit

Get your children to eat fruit by preparing these healthy recipes with summer fruit with them. You will love them!
Healthy recipes with summer fruit

Did you know that only 46% of children and adolescents consume a piece of fruit daily? This figure is lower than the recommendation established by the World Health Organization (WHO) of 3 servings. For this reason, we want to propose healthy recipes with summer fruit for children.

Take advantage of the fact that it is the season for strawberries, melon, watermelon and stone fruits that allow you to hydrate, since they contain a lot of water. In addition, they combine very well with vegetables, legumes and meat.

Healthy recipes with summer fruit for kids

Arugula and peach salad, one of the recipes with summer fruit for children.

Arugula, peach and cottage cheese salad


  • 150 g of arugula.
  • 2 peaches
  • 60 g of cottage cheese.
  • 1 handful of pine nuts.
  • Salt.
  • Virgin olive oil.
  • Balsamic vinegar.


First of all, peel the peaches and remove the pit by splitting them in half with a knife. Next, cut them into wedges and set them aside.

Wash the arugula and place it in a bowl or salad tray. Add the cottage cheese and peach wedges. Decorate with the pine nuts on top and, finally, add the balsamic vinaigrette with olive oil and a pinch of salt. It also looks great with golden peaches on the grill, since they give off all their flavor and give it a different touch.

Cherry gazpacho, one of the healthy recipes with summer fruit that you have to try sometime


  • 500 g of ripe tomatoes.
  • 250 g of cherries.
  • 50 g of bell pepper.
  • 50 g of cucumber.
  • 100 g of bread crumbs.
  • 100 ml of virgin olive oil.
  • 20 ml of vinegar.
  • Salt.


First, wash and remove the nerve from the tomatoes. Next, pit the cherries. Do you want me to tell you a quick and easy trick? Grab a straw and push it out.

All followed, add all the ingredients in the blender glass and crush them. Rectify with salt if necessary. Is it too thick? Add water until you get the desired texture.

Tuna tataki with strawberries and avocado


  • 300 g of fresh tuna.
  • 150 g of strawberries.
  • 1 avocado
  • Lemon juice.
  • Low salt soy sauce.
  • Sesame seeds.
    Tuna tataki with strawberries.


First of all, remove the skin and bones from the tuna. Next, cut it into equal cubes and put it in a bowl. Wash the strawberries to cut them into cubes similar in size to those of tuna.

Finally, peel the avocado and cut it into cubes as well. Add a few drops of lemon juice to prevent it from oxidizing. Put the strawberries and avocado in the bowl with the tuna. Sprinkle the sesame on top and add the sauce. Mix it well so that all the ingredients are impregnated.

Watermelon with mint marinated in lime


  • A quarter of a watermelon.
  • Mint leaves.
  • 2-3 limes.


First of all, peel the watermelon and remove the seeds. Next, cut it into slices and then into cubes, and place them in a deep bowl. Next, squeeze the limes and pour the juice on top of the watermelon. Finally, add the washed and chopped mint, and mix it so that it soaks well. Let it sit for a couple of hours in the fridge.

Promote the consumption of summer fruit in children

As you have seen, fruit can be eaten in different ways and you don’t have to always include it in desserts. Although it is best to enjoy it in bites or pieces, from time to time use them to make ice cream or substitute the sugar in the cakes.

You can also grill or brown it with cinnamon and lemon. In addition, it is essential that you always have fruit at home and see you eat it, since the little ones learn by imitation.

Have you ever tried adding fruit to savory dishes? Now is the time for you to do it through these healthy recipes with summer fruits for children.

10 ways to eat fruits in summer

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