3 Exercises To Keep Calm Before Exams

Having to face an exam can cause high levels of nervousness. Find out how to stay calm in these situations!
3 exercises to keep calm before exams

Exams can be a source of stress, tension and anxiety for students, especially beginning in high school. For this reason, in the following lines we recommend some exercises to keep calm before the exams.

It must be taken into account that, many times, the presence of low academic performance is not due to problems in learning the content, but rather to difficulties in controlling the nerves in the face of evaluation tests, which can lead to forgetfulness of the information previously studied, as well as the inability to correctly write and present the knowledge acquired on paper.

Child on the couch at home trying to keep calm before exams.

3 exercises to keep calm before exams

Most teachers use tests to check what their students have learned throughout the course. On the other hand, the students, through the realization of this type of tests, play the pass, so it is normal that they feel some stress, nerves and concern in the face of such common evaluation situations within the educational system.

Fortunately, these negative feelings and thoughts about tests can be learned to control. How? For example, following the tips that we expose below.

1. Control your breathing and relax

Given the nerves and insecurity that you feel when facing an exam, it is advisable to practice relaxation and control your breathing. A simple exercise to achieve this consists of the following:

  • Sit comfortably in the class seat.
  • Think of a pleasant situation.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply, and count to 10.

These steps should be carried out a few minutes before starting the exam that can cause so much concern.

2. Practice stopping thought

Another good recommendation to keep calm before the exams is to practice thinking stopping, that is, interrupting intrusive thoughts or rumination that may appear ( “I’m going to fail; I’m not good for this; I’m sure they’ll ask me the hardest thing …” ) and exchange them for more positive ones.

To do this, it is necessary to establish a key stimulus to stop thinking (such as pinching, slapping, subtly hitting an object, saying words like “stop!” Or stop !” , Etc.). After this, you have to change the focus of attention and resort to other more pleasant and realistic thoughts, such as:  “I have studied enough, I am sure I pass”, “I can do it well” , and so on.

3. Practice self-confidence

One of the keys to getting good test results is trusting yourself, your own abilities. In this sense, it must be clear that when you make an effort and dedicate time to study, things will most likely turn out well. So there is nothing to worry about.

Although, obviously, there are always certain factors that are impossible to control. So, if for any reason an exam does not turn out as well as one expected, do not lose heart, because it is not the end of the world. In these cases, you have to think that the next insurance that comes out better.

Boy trying to study.

The importance of staying calm before exams

Staying calm before exams is essential to pass them in the best possible way, since a calm and clear mind is almost synonymous with success.

When the nerves are controlled, it is much easier to think and act clearly. On the contrary, when they take over, the mind becomes clouded and all the work previously done, all the hours dedicated to study can be ruined.

Knowing this, it can be concluded that it is really important to learn to remain calm during exam time, for which we advise following the recommendations that we have just exposed here.

Fear of exams in children

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