Vision Board: What Is It And How To Make One With Children?

Do you know what a vision board is and how to make your own? Next, we explain how to carry out this activity with the children.
Vision board: what is it and how to make one with children?

A vision board, also known as a dream map, is a great tool to help children and adults reflect on their immediate and distant future. This practice is based on creative visualization, a psychological technique that consists of making mental images, as realistic and detailed as possible, about the dreams that one has, that is, about what one wants to achieve and, thus, help to achieve comply.

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a  collage made up of cutouts of images, drawings, words and texts, which have to represent the wishes and dreams that one wants to achieve. It is about thinking about personal goals, identifying them and visualizing them clearly, thus making them easier to achieve.

In fact, it is said that vision boards serve to “attract dreams and success”, since by having clear objectives to achieve, one feels more motivated and does everything possible to achieve them. Therefore, the fact of carrying out this introspection exercise makes you adopt a more positive and proactive attitude towards life and fight for what you want.

This is a beautiful teaching that should be transmitted to children from an early age. To do it in an entertaining and enjoyable way, we encourage you to create a vision board with your children. Help them pursue and work for their dreams! How to do it? Follow the steps that we explain below.

How to make one with the children?

Making a vision board with children can be a very fun, educational and inspiring activity to do as a family. To do this, follow these simple steps.

1. Help the children make a dream list

The first thing you should do is help the children to think about all the wishes and dreams they have, making sure that they are as realistic as possible. Once they have reflected on them, ask them to write them down on a piece of paper and make a list of clear and specific objectives.

2. Gather all the necessary material

To make a vision board you will need the following materials:

  • A large cardboard, a cork, a cardboard or any other material that serves as a physical support and that can be hung on a wall.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencils, pens or markers to write and decorate.

    3. Gather the photos, drawings and texts to make the collage

    When the children have all the material available and the wish list prepared, it is time to start  gathering the photos, drawings and texts that represent the dreams and wishes to be achieved. To do this, the little ones have to review different magazines, albums, newspapers, postcards or even use the internet, in order to find the elements that best reflect their goals.

    4. Mount the vision board

    Now is the time to get down to business with the vision board and let the little ones unleash their imagination and creativity.

    They must place, in an original and harmonious way, all the selected elements (photos, drawings, texts, etc.) and paste them on the physical support. Give them time to create the collage to their liking!

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    5. Place the board in a visible place in the house

    Finally, put the vision board in a place where children can check it every day, for example, in the bedroom or on the refrigerator door. Thus, the little ones can always keep in mind what their goals are, which will make them remain constantly focused and motivated to pursue and achieve them.

    Why make a vision board with the kids?

    Thanks to the development of a vision board, children gain self-esteem, confidence and self-knowledge, three key factors to achieve everything they set out to do.

    In addition, when doing this activity as a family, communication is encouraged and ties between the different members are strengthened. Therefore, it is a wonderful exercise to do at home.

    And you, what are you waiting for to put it into practice? Make your children achieve their dreams through your vision board!

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