5 Reasons To Plan A Second Pregnancy

5 reasons to plan a second pregnancy

Often times, the second pregnancy does not require planning, it just comes by surprise. However, couples who are determined to have more than one child can start planning immediately after the first and for hundreds of reasons; although there are certain factors to take into account to make these plans.

Once the intervals and physical qualities of the parents have been medically evaluated to become parents, the rest is a matter of time. In general,  a couple has many reasons for wanting to be parents again, although the conditions are not always right.


In this case, the most valuable thing is love and the willingness to enlarge the family. Sometimes the most common reason for planning a second pregnancy is the need to give a baby brother to the oldest child, which in my opinion is a bit selfish with the unborn child.

However, many mothers have said they are fond of pregnancy, they value the feeling of carrying a child in the womb and all the changes that occur in it, whether emotionally, physically or mentally. Women with these characteristics will always have the correct answers to justify motherhood.

Why plan a second pregnancy?


A happy mother may have hundreds of reasons to become a mother again, but there are some that deserve full recognition. In this opportunity, we detail at least five reasons to feel more confident that it is the right decision.

  • The couple is strengthened, because they have a common goal, which is full of love and looks to the future, thinking about family and happy moments.
  • It is an ideal time to create healthy habits. To guarantee a pregnancy without complications, we must improve our diet and eliminate risky habits, such as smoking or consuming alcohol excessively.
  • Relive the happiness and good disposition of the grandparents and the rest of the family. During pregnancy, we receive more blessings, we are more spoiled and they look at us with greater tenderness.
  • We connect with the energy that gives life and makes us feel in harmony with nature. We grow as a person, we recognize the value of our mothers and we take pride in being a woman.
  • It will be a different experience that is worth living, our expectations for the future grow, because we are generating life and we want to live much more to enjoy the family we have created.

How do we know if we are ready to plan a second pregnancy?

One of the advantages of planning a pregnancy is that, in some way, it is guaranteed that the baby will start its formation in a healthy and controlled way. To begin, the first thing is to seek the evaluation of a specialist, who will determine if there are favorable conditions for the purpose we propose.

Doctors will evaluate factors such as the age of the parents and the older brother, the intervals between the birth of one and the other. In addition, they will indicate if the administration of vaccines or any medication is necessary if there is a need to control any disease.

We will know that we are ready, not only because we want it, but also because a doctor has given us the go-ahead to start looking for a second child. In this case, planning requires identifying our fertile days and adjusting our habits to improve the possibilities.

Other things to consider are stress levels, lifestyle, and financial stability. In this sense, it is recommended that those inconveniences that threaten a healthy pregnancy be properly solved; For this it is necessary to fill ourselves with positive energy and look for coherent reasons to improve our situation.


Depending on the time interval in which both children are born, there are advantages and disadvantages. If they are very close, they will be raised as equals, both babies and without many additional benefits; But when a certain time has passed, both children will be raised almost as unique, because they will live their childhood separately.

Whatever the case, a family should always be ready to welcome their children with love. Although we know that planning it can fill us with enthusiasm and will renew our hope, all children are welcome, a reason for joy, reconciliation and the desire to continue fighting.

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