What Sports To Practice Before And After Childbirth

Regular physical activity is essential, even during pregnancy! Find out what its benefits are and how to adapt your routine to these recommendations.
What sports to practice before and after childbirth

You’ve spent a lot of time searching, but you finally found that baby you craved so much for. Now, already pregnant, it is important that you take good care of yourself so that everything turns out perfect. That’s why at Eres Mamá we advise you which sports to practice before and after giving birth.

Think about what sports to practice before and after giving birth

Obviously, not all sports are suitable for pregnant moms. Much less for mothers who have just given birth. That is why it is important to know what physical exercise will be good for the development of our baby.

Sports before delivery

Before delivery, we have a wide range of sports to choose from. Of course, everything will depend on what our doctor says, because he knows how our offspring is evolving. According to our mood and physical state, we can choose different modalities.

In general, exercise before delivery requires practices that do not involve sudden movements. It is also important that they do not involve a great effort with excessive intensity. For this there are some ideal modalities.

Find out about which sports to practice before and after childbirth

Walking and golf, for example, are great sports before giving birth. They improve blood circulation. They also favor the digestive processes and the disappearance of constipation. Also, they are calm and entertaining. Of course, you should practice them as your body allows you. Forget excessive competitiveness.

Another great sport to practice before giving birth is swimming. This activity activates a large number of muscle groups. It is also relaxing and improves blood circulation. Forget the jumps, dives and scuba diving. Just swim at your own pace.

Other advisable activities before delivery are dancing, dancing or simply walking. Whichever you choose, always remember to adapt the rhythm to your possibilities. Gentle exercise is always advisable.

Be that as it may, the important thing is that they are not excessive sports that involve risk or excess effort. In addition, you must warm up beforehand, wear comfortable and suitable clothing, carry out the activity in a pleasant and safe way and avoid humid environments.

Postpartum sports

Once we have seen the precious face of our child, we must also do sports so that the recovery is adequate. Of course, there are certain rules that cannot be skipped. During quarantine, forget about physical exercise. You will have time to return to your figure. Now is the time for your body to recover properly.

If you find yourself in the mood, during the quarantine you can take small walks that may gain intensity as time passes. Remember to stretch before. You can also do some type of meditation or relaxation exercise. But it is important that they do not involve a great expenditure of energy or sudden movements.

Once the quarantine is over, we can return to physical exercise with very moderate intensity. If you are in the mood, you can gradually return to activity. Remember to start very soft to increase the rhythm gradually and slowly.

It is important in this sense that you listen to your body. If you feel that the vibrations are not good, please wait a few more days. Don’t be in a hurry to go back. Your uterus could hurt, or even bleed again. That means you are not ready yet.


Keggel exercises

Now it is important to reinforce the pelvic floor again, as it is very weakened. That is why the first activities listed are related to Keggel exercises. This type of effort helps you strengthen the area.

The great thing about Keggel exercises is that they can be done anywhere. Whether on the bus or during breakfast, you can practice and reinforce. It is important that you stretch a little before and after the session.

Of course, do not forget to consult with your doctor if you feel the slightest pain or discomfort. You may need some type of unique exercise, specific therapy, or even physical therapy.

What is very important is that you forget exercises with too much rhythm, especially abdominal exercises, as they load the pelvic floor a lot.

Do you already know what sports to practice before and after giving birth? It is important that you are well informed and in permanent contact with professionals. Remember that each human being is unique and may have very specific needs.

When asked what sports to practice before and after childbirth, remember that they are soft, pleasant and useful. Once this is over, you just have to enjoy the experience and enjoy the arrival of your little offspring.

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